


Adherence to the following guiding principles is required for effective handling of complaints:

(a) Visibility:
(i) How and where to complain should be well publicized to customers and other interests parties;
(b) Accessibility:
(i) A complaints handling process should be easily accessible to all clients;
(ii) Process information should be readily accessible;
(iii) Should include flexibility in the method of making complaints;
(iv) Low cost telephone access should be available where possible;
(v) Support for customers with special needs should be provided, such as interpreters;
(vi) Information and assistance should be available on details of making and resolving a complaint;
(vii) Supporting information should be easy to understand and use;
(viii) Information and assistance in making a complaint should be made available;
(c) Responsiveness:
(i) Receipt of complaints should be acknowledged immediately;
(ii) Complaints should be addressed promptly in accordance with its urgency;
(iii) Customers should be treated with courtesy;
(iv) Customers should be kept informed of the progress of their complaint;
(d) Objectivity:
1. Complaints should be addressed in an equitable objective and unbiased manner;
2. General principles for objectivity in the complaints handling process include:
(a) Openness:
(i) Process should be clear and well publicized so that both staff and clients can understand;
(b) Impartiality:
(i) Avoiding bias to a customer, personnel or the CMSP;
(ii) Protect the person the complaint is made against from bias;
(iii) Emphasis should be placed on resolution not blame;
(iv) Investigation should be carried out independently of the person complained about;
(c) Accessibility:
(i) Should allow customer access to the process at any reasonable point in time;
(ii) A joint response should be made when the complaint affects different supply chain participants;
(d) Completeness:
(i) Finding relevant facts, talking to both sides, establishing common ground and verifying explanations should occur wherever possible;
(e) Equitability:
(i) Give equal treatment to all people;
(f) Sensitivity:
(i) Each complaint treated on its merits and paying due care to individual circumstances;
(g) Objectivity for personnel — complaints handling procedures should ensure those complained about are treated fairly which implies:
(i) Informing them immediately and completely on complaints about performance;
(ii) Giving them an opportunity to explain and providing appropriate support;
(iii) Keeping them informed of the progress and result of the complaint investigation;
(iv) Full details of the complaint are given to those the complaint is made against prior to interview;
(v) Personnel should be assured they are supported by the process and should be encouraged to learn from the experience and develop a better understanding of the complaints process;
(h) Separating complaints handling procedures from disciplinary procedures:
(i) Complaints process should be separate to disciplinary process;
(i) Confidentiality:
(i) In addition to customer confidentiality the process should ensure confidentiality for staff who have a complaint made against them and the details should only be known to those directly concerned;
(ii) Personal information should only be available for the purposes of addressing the complaints within the CMSP;
(iii) Should be actively protected for the discloser unless the customer consents otherwise;
(iv) Protect the customer and customer's identity as far as is reasonable to avoid deterring complaints due to fear of inconvenience or discrimination;
(j) Objectivity monitoring:
(i) CMSPs should monitor responses to customers to ensure objectivity which could include random monitoring of resolved complaints;
(k) Charges:
(i) Process should be free of charge to customers;
(l) Customer Focused Approach:
(i) CMSPs should have a customer focused approach;
(ii) Should be open to feedback including complaints;
(iii) Should show commitment to resolving complaints;
(m) Accountability:
(i) CMSPs should ensure accountability for reporting on actions and decisions with respect to complaints handling is clearly established;
(n) Continual improvement:
(i) Continual improvement of the complaints handling process and the quality of products should be a permanent objective of the CMSP.
July 2010