
A licensed clearing house and licensed central depository shall:

(a) As far as is reasonably practicable, operate a safe and efficient clearing or central depository facility;
(b) Manage any risks associated with its business and operations prudently;
(c) In discharging its obligations under this Module, not act contrary to the interests of the public, having particular regard to the interests of the investing public;
(d) Ensure that access for participation in its clearing or central depository facility is subject to criteria that are fair and objective, and that are designed to ensure the safe and efficient functioning of its facility and to protect the interests of the investing public;
(e) Maintain business rules that make satisfactory provision for:
(i) The clearing or central depository facility to be operated in a safe and efficient manner; and
(ii) The proper regulation and supervision of its members and depository participants;
(f) Enforce compliance by its members and depository participants with its business rules;
(g) Have sufficient financial, human and system resources:
(i) To operate a safe and efficient clearing or central depository facility;
(ii) To meet contingencies or disasters; and
(iii) To provide adequate security arrangements;
(h) Ensure that it appoints or employs fit and proper persons as its chairman, chief executive officer, directors and key management officers;
(i) Maintain efficient risk management and internal controls;
(j) Maintain a record of all transactions effected through its clearing or central depository facility in such form and manner as the CBB may prescribe, including:
(i) The extent to which the record includes details of each transaction in line with the applicable laws, rules and regulations related to the Know Your Client and the Prevention and Prohibition of Money Laundering; and
(ii) The period of time that the record is to be maintained.
(k) Provide to the CBB, for its review and comment, at least 5 business days prior to publishing in the press, the draft agenda for any shareholders meetings referred to in Subparagraph CSD-3.1.1(m);
(l) Ensure that any agenda items to be discussed or presented during the course of meetings which require the CBB's prior approval, have received the necessary approval, prior to the meeting taking place;
(m) Invite a representative of the CBB to attend any shareholders' meeting (i.e. ordinary and extraordinary general assembly) taking place. The invitation must be provided to the CBB at least 5 business days prior to the meeting taking place; and
(n) Within a maximum of 15 calendar days of any shareholders' meetings referred to in Subparagraph CSD-3.1.1(m), provide to the CBB a copy of the minutes of the meeting.
Amended: July 2016
Amended: April 2016