
Capital Market Licensees must implement the customer due diligence measures outlined in Chapter AML-1 when:

(a) [This Sub-paragraph was deleted in July 2018];
(b) Establishing business relations with a new or existing customer;
(c) A change to the signatory or beneficiary of an existing account or business relationship is made;
(d) Customer documentation standards change substantially;
(e) The Capital Market Licensees has doubts about the veracity or adequacy of previously obtained customer due diligence information;
(f) A significant transaction takes place (as per rule AML-2.2.3);
(g) There is a material change in the way that an account is operated or in the manner in which the business relationship is conducted;
(h) There is a suspicion of Money Laundering or terrorist financing; or
(i) Carrying out accepted crypto-assets transfers and/or wire transfers irrespective of value and/or amount.
Amended: January 2022
Amended: January 2020
Amended: July 2018
Added: October 2010