• GR-A GR-A Introduction

    • GR-A.1 GR-A.1 Purpose

      • GR-A.1.1

        The General Requirements Module presents a variety of different requirements that are not extensive enough to warrant their own stand-alone Module, but for the most part are generally applicable. These include general requirements on books and records; on the use of corporate and trade names; and on controllers. Each set of requirements is contained in its own Chapter: a table listing these and their application to licensees is given in Chapter GR-B.

    • GR-A.2 GR-A.2 Module History

      • Evolution of Module

        • GR-A.2.1

          This Module was first issued in July 2006, with immediate effect, as a new Module aimed at aligning the structure and contents of Volume 2 with other Volumes of the BMA Rulebook. It is dated July 2006. All subsequent changes to this Module are annotated with the end-calendar quarter date in which the change was made: Chapter UG-3 provides further details on Rulebook maintenance and version control.

        • GR-A.2.2

          The July 2006 version of Module GR does not introduce new requirements. Rather, it incorporates the record keeping requirements previously contained in Chapter LR-6 of the Licensing and Authorisation Requirement Module (reissued, in July 2006, as the Licensing Module). It also incorporates the requirements relating to controllers, previously contained in Chapter HC-2 of the High-Level Controls Module. Finally, Module GR expands on certain requirements that were previously contained only in the BMA Law 1973, such as the requirement to seek BMA approval for use of a corporate or trading name.

        • GR-A.2.3

          A list of recent changes made to this Module is detailed in the table below:

          Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes

      • Superseded Requirements

        • GR-A.2.4

          This Module supersedes:

          Circular / other reference Provision Subject
          Module LR (April 2006 version) LR-6: Record Keeping Record keeping requirements were moved to GR-1, and edited down to simplify and avoid duplication of record keeping requirements contained in Module FC.
          Module HC (April 2006 version) HC-2: 'Fit and Proper Requirement' Requirements relating to controllers were moved to GR-5. Remaining 'fit and proper' elements regarding Directors and key employees of licensees were retained in HC-2, in a re-drafted form.