


Control activities are designed to address the operational risks that a bank has identified. For all material operational risks that have been identified, the bank should decide whether to use appropriate procedures to control and/or mitigate the risks, or bear the risks. For those risks that cannot be controlled, the bank should decide whether to accept these risks, reduce the level of business activity involved, or withdraw from this activity completely. Control processes and procedures should be established and banks should have a system in place for ensuring compliance with a documented set of internal policies concerning the risk management system. Principle elements of this could include, for example:

(a) Top-level reviews of the bank's progress towards the stated objectives;
(b) Checking for compliance with management controls;
(c) Policies, processes and procedures concerning the review, treatment and resolution of non-compliance issues; and
(d) A system of documented approvals and authorisations to ensure accountability to an appropriate level of management.
Added: April 2008