


Credit officers should assign credit ratings to the loans they originate. This will help the Credit Committee to assess the credit judgement in assigning credit ratings and pricing for credits. The ratings should have several categories with additional breakdowns in each Category:

(a) 'Standard credits' are those which are performing as the contract requires. There is no reason to suspect that the creditor's financial condition or collateral adequacy has depreciated in any way. The bank is very likely to extend additional funds to this borrower if requested (subject to internal or legal credit restrictions);
(b) 'Watch credits' are currently protected from loss but are potentially weak; they constitute a risk, but the risk is not such that it justifies a rating of Substandard;
(c) 'Substandard credits' are inadequately protected by the paying capacity of the obligor or by the collateral pledged. They are characterized by the distinct possibility that the bank will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. Loss potential, while existing in the aggregate amount of Substandard assets does not have to exist in individual assets classified Substandard;
(d) 'Doubtful credits' have all the weaknesses inherent in a credit classified as Substandard with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions, and values, highly questionable or improbable. The possibility of Loss is extremely high, but because of certain important and reasonably specific pending factors which may work to the advantage and strengthening of the asset, its rating as an estimated Loss is deferred until its more exact status may be determined;
(e) 'Loss credits' are considered uncollectable and of such little value that their continuance as assets is not warranted. The rating does not mean that the asset has absolutely no recovery or salvage value, but rather that it is not practical or desirable to defer writing off this basically worthless asset even though partial recovery may be effected in the future.
October 07