

(a) Maturing on unexpected closing day(s): Extending swap to next possible value date for both currencies, adjusting swap difference according to formula - swap difference divided by original number of days and multiplied by new number of days;
(b) Starting on unexpected closing day(s) and maturing after unexpected closing day(s): Starting date for both currencies would be extended to next possible value date for both currencies without altering maturing date, adjusting swap difference according to Formula under Paragraph BC-2.12.3(a); and
(c) Starting on unexpected closing day(s) and maturing before or on next possible value date: Deals are cancelled.

If starting or maturing date of original swap under Paragraph BC-2.12.1 or Paragraph BC-2.12.2 is substantially different, per currency swap difference has to be recalculated in mutual agreement between the dealers;

•   It is possible that payment instructions for counter currency are already sent out and cannot be cancelled - in that case paying party should be entitled to the proceeds of the unexpected use of funds by the receiving party;
•   It is possible that payment instructions for Gulf currencies are already sent out and cannot be cancelled - in these cases rules according to Paragraph BC-2.12.2(c)-1 and Paragraph BC-2.12.2(c)-2 should be applied.
Amended April 2011
Amended January 2011
October 2007