

(a) Maturing on unexpected closing day(s): Extending deposit to next possible value date; interest to be calculated in the extended period at original agreed upon interest rate;
(b) Starting on unexpected closing day(s) and maturing after unexpected closing day(s): Starting date will be extended to next possible value date without altering maturing date; interest to be calculated on the shortened period at the originally agreed upon interest rate; and
(c) Starting on unexpected closing day(s) and maturing before or on next possible value date: Cancellation of deal:
1. If payment instructions are already sent out by lender and can only be executed on next possible value date, and cannot be cancelled, borrower ensures repayment will be done on the same next possible value date. If in that case borrower cannot repay because of deadline of receiving instructions by correspondent on same next possible value day, parties negotiate a new deal starting at value date of payment by lender and maturing according to new deal.
2. If payment instructions are already sent out by lender for capital and by borrower for capital and interest both payments will be executed at same next possible value date, lender should refund to borrower unearned interest.
Amended: April 2011
October 07