

Article (10) Governor and Deputy Governor

(a) The Central Bank shall have a Governor, of ministerial rank, who shall be responsible for implementing its policies and assume the day-to-day management of its affairs. The Governor shall be directly accountable to the Board, who shall determine his monthly remunerations.
(b) The Central Bank shall have one or more Deputy Governors, of undersecretary rank, to assist the Governor in the management of the Central Bank's affairs and assume responsibilities on a temporary basis if the Governor is absent or if his position becomes vacant. The Board shall determine the monthly remunerations of the Deputy Governor.
(c) The Governor is appointed by a Royal Decree for a renewable 5-year term of office on the recommendation of the Board.
(d) The Deputy Governor shall be appointed by a Royal Decree upon a recommendation of the Board.
(e) The Governor shall be the legal representative of the Central Bank before the law and others, and shall have the power to sign all documents, contract and papers on its behalf. He shall be responsible for the implementation of this law, the Central Bank's regulations and the Board's resolutions.

The Governor may delegate, in writing, some of his powers to his Deputy or other senior staff.
(f) The Governor shall assume the duties and powers of the Minister of Commerce stated in the Legislative Decree No. 3 of 1987 with respect to Compulsory Insurance for the Civil Liability of Car Accidents, amended by the Legislative Decree No. 7 of 1996, and such powers as stipulated in Article (197) of the Commercial Companies Law issued by Legislative Decree No. (21) of 2001, regarding the dissolution of the board of directors of licencees.
(g) The Governor shall appoint the officials of the Central Bank in accordance with the financial and administrative regulations related to the staff of the Central Bank and shall observe the Bank's requirements of effective operation.
(h) The Governor and the Deputy Governor shall devote their time to working at the Central Bank. None of them shall, during his tenure of office, be a board member of any licencee or take, with or without payment, any position or employment with others.

As an exception of the above, the Governor and the Deputy Governor may participate in committees and boards of directors of institutions and organizations formed or supervised by the Government or international financial institutions and organizations.