• HC-1.3 HC-1.3 Decision-Making Process

    • HC-1.3.1

      The board must be collegial and deliberative, to gain the benefit of each individual director's judgment and experience.

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.2

      The chairman must take an active lead in promoting mutual trust, open discussion, constructive dissent and support for decisions after they have been made.

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.3

      The board must meet frequently but in no event less than four times a year. All directors must attend the meetings whenever possible and the directors must maintain informal communication between meetings.

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.4

      The chairman is responsible for the leadership of the board, and for the efficient functioning of the board. The chairman must ensure that all directors receive an agenda, minutes of prior meetings, and adequate background information in writing before each board meeting and when necessary between meetings. All directors must receive the same board information. At the same time, directors have a legal duty to inform themselves and they must ensure that they receive adequate and timely information and must study it carefully.

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.5

      The board must have no more than 15 members and no less than 5 members; taking into consideration the representation of women and men in the formation of the board. The board must regularly review its size and composition to assure that it is small enough for efficient decision-making yet large enough to have members who can contribute from different specialties and viewpoints. The board must recommend changes in board size to the shareholders when a needed change requires amendment of the company’s Memorandum of Association. The company must disclose statistics regarding the composition of the board disaggregated by women and men in the company’s annual report.

      Amended: October 2022
      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.6

      Potential non-Executive Directors should be made aware of their duties before their nomination, particularly as to the time commitment required. The Nominating Committee should regularly review the time commitment required from each non-Executive Director and should require each non-Executive Director to inform the Committee before he accepts any board appointments to another company. Without prejudice to other HC Volumes in the CBB Rulebook, one person should not hold more than three directorships in public companies in Bahrain with the provision that no conflict of interest may exist (which includes having an interest in companies in the same line of business), and the board should not propose the election or re-election of any director who does.

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.7

      Individual board members must attend at least 75% of all board meetings in a given financial year to enable the board to discharge its responsibilities effectively (see table below). Voting and attendance proxies for board meetings are prohibited at all times.

      Meetings per year 75% Attendance requirement
      4 3
      5 4
      6 5
      7 5
      8 6
      9 7
      10 8
      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.8

      The absence of board members at board and committee meetings must be noted in the meeting minutes. In addition, board attendance percentage must be reported during any general assembly meeting when board members stand for re-election (e.g. board member XYZ attended 95% of scheduled meetings this year).

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.9

      To meet its obligations under Rule HC-1.3.3 above, the full board should meet once every quarter to address the board's responsibilities for management oversight and performance monitoring. Furthermore, board rules should require members to step down if they are not actively participating in board meetings. Board members are reminded that non attendance at board meetings does not absolve them of their responsibilities as directors. It is important that each individual director should allocate adequate time and effort to discharge his responsibilities. All Directors are expected to contribute actively to the work of the board in order to discharge their responsibilities and should make every effort to attend board meetings where major issues are to be discussed. Companies are encouraged to amend their Articles of Association to provide for telephonic and videoconference meetings. Participation in board meetings by means of video or telephone conferencing is regarded as attendance and may be recorded as such.

      July 2011

    • HC-1.3.10

      In the event that a board member has not attended at least 75% of board meetings in any given financial year, the company must immediately notify the CBB indicating which member has failed to satisfy this requirement, his level of attendance and any mitigating circumstances affecting his non-attendance. The CBB shall then consider the matter and determine whether disciplinary action, including disqualification of that board member pursuant to Article 65 (where relevant) of the CBB Law, is appropriate. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, it is likely that the CBB will take disciplinary action.

      July 2011