• HC-A.2 HC-A.2 Module History

    • HC-A.2.1

      This Module was first issued in July 2011 by the CBB, following the issuance of the Corporate Governance Code by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in March 2010. This Module was drafted to be in line with the new Code and to include requirements that are considered best practice in the capital market. Any material changes that have subsequently been made to this Module are annotated with the calendar quarter date in which the change was made: Chapter UG-3 provides further details on Rulebook maintenance and version control.

      July 2011

    • HC-A.2.2

      A list of recent changes made to this Module is detailed in the table below:

      Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes
      HC-A.1.12 01/2012 Changed Guidance to Rule.
      HC-B.3.2, HC-8.3.8 and HC-10.3.2 01/2012 Corrected typos.
      HC-1.2.2 01/2012 Amended to be consistent with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
      HC-1.2.5 and HC-1.5.3 01/2012 Clarified that the chairman of the board may delegate specific duties dealt with in these Paragraphs.
      HC-1.4.5 01/2012 Changed Rule to Guidance to be aligned with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
      HC-1.4.6A 01/2012 Added new Paragraph clarifying that the chairman must not be the same person as the CEO.
      HC-1.8.6 01/2012 Changed Rule to Guidance to be aligned with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
      HC-2.2.3 01/2012 Aligned text with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
      HC-3.2.1, HC-3.3.2, HC-4.2.2, HC-5.2.1. HC-5.3.3, HC-5.6.6, HC-6.2.1 and HC-7.5.1 01/2012 Amended to be in line with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
      HC-8.3 01/2012 Clarification made on disclosure in annual report.
      HC-10.2.1A 01/2012 Added guidance for CMSPs.
      HC-10.8.2 01/2012 Corrected cross reference.
      Appendix A 01/2012 Amended criteria for audit committee member.
      HC-2.2.1 and HC-2.4.1 04/2013 Clarified scope of application for Rules.
      HC-7.4.5 04/2013 Clarified Guidance on election of board members.
      Appendices A, B and C 04/2013 Clarified requirement for written report on performance evaluation for various Board committees.
      HC-10.5.3 04/2020 Added a new Paragraph on KPIs compliance with AML/CFT requirements.
      HC-1.3.5 10/2022 Amended Paragraph on representation of women and men on Board of Directors.
      HC-8.3.3 10/2022 Added a new Sub-paragraph on the percentage of women and men on the Board.