


Credit facilities must be classified by licensees on an ongoing basis. The classification framework must, at a minimum, include the categories listed below, and licensees must apply provisions (sometimes referred to as "allowances") at or above the minimum levels specified in Paragraph RM-2.4.4. Licensees are free to classify a credit facility in a category which requires a higher level of provisioning if the licensee has information which gives doubt as to the collectability of the facility, even if the concerned credit facility is performing. These standards must also be applied in the case of the suspension of profit and the classification of other non-financing receivables (e.g. fees):

(a) 'Standard facilities' are those, which are 'performing' as the contract requires. These facilities are not past due and there is no reason to suspect that the customer's financial condition or the adequacy of collateral has deteriorated in any way;
(b) 'Watch-list facilities' are those which show some weaknesses in the customer's (or counterparty's) financial condition or creditworthiness, requiring more than normal attention but not necessarily requiring the allocation of specific provisions (or impairment allowances). 'Watch' could include 'performing' facilities which are not regular in repayment or are regular but there is minor deterioration in the financial position of the customer or counterparty or the underlying collateral. 'Watch' must include any facilities which are less than 90 days overdue and which are not (yet) included in 'sub-standard', 'doubtful' or 'loss' (i.e. the facility can be regarded as overdue but not yet 'impaired' according to IFRS);
(c) 'Sub-standard facilities' are those where interest/profit or principal is 90 days or more overdue (see Paragraph RM-2.4.4 for minimum required provisioning levels). 'Sub-standard facilities' also include those where full repayment (collectability) is in doubt due to inadequate protection by the impaired paying capacity of the customer or by impairment of the collateral pledged. Sub-standard facilities are characterised by the distinct possibility of loss if observed weaknesses are not corrected and may therefore be viewed as 'impaired' or non-performing. Sub-standard may therefore include facilities that are not yet overdue, or are less than 90 days overdue;
(d) 'Doubtful facilities' are those where interest/profit or principal is 180 days or more overdue (see Paragraph RM-2.4.4 for minimum required provisioning levels). 'Doubtful facilities' have all the weaknesses inherent in a facility classified as 'substandard' with the added characteristic that observed weaknesses make full collection (or liquidation), on the basis of currently existing facts and valuations highly questionable or improbable. The probability of loss is extremely high, but total loss may not necessarily occur because some mitigating factors may strengthen the asset quality; and
(e) 'Loss facilities' are those where interest/profit or principal is 360 days or more overdue (see Paragraph RM 2.5.6 for minimum required provisioning levels). 'Loss facilities' are considered uncollectible or of such little value that their continuance at any material value is not warranted. The category 'loss' means that it is not considered practical or desirable to give a positive valuation to this facility, even though partial recovery may be effected in the future.
July 2014