


The scope of this Module includes the parent bank and all its banking subsidiaries and any other financial entities such as Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) which are required to be consolidated for regulatory purposes by the CBB. The assets and liabilities of all such subsidiaries must be fully consolidated on a line-by-line basis. In some cases, the assets of foreign banking subsidiaries will be allowed to be included by way of aggregation (see CA-B.1.4 onward). All other financial activities (both regulated and unregulated) must be captured through consolidation. Generally, majority-owned or controlled banking and other financial entities must be fully consolidated according to the methodologies outlined in this Module. If any majority-owned financial entities are not consolidated for capital purposes, all equity and other regulatory capital investments in those entities must be deducted and the assets and liabilities as well as third-party capital investments in the entity must be removed from the Islamic bank licensee's balance sheet.

January 2015