


It is possible that general market risk arising from the trading book may hedge positions in the banking book without reference to individual financial instruments. In such circumstances, there must nevertheless be underlying positions in the trading book. The positions in the banking book which are being hedged must remain in the banking book, although the general market risk exposure associated with them should be incorporated within the calculation of general market risk capital requirements for the trading book (i.e. the general market risk element on the banking book side of the hedge should be added to the trading book calculation, rather than that on the trading book side of the hedge being deducted from it). As no individual financial instruments are designated, there is no resultant specific risk requirement in the trading book and the risk-weighted assets in the banking book will not be reduced. Any such arrangement for the transfer of risk must be subject to the policy statement agreed with the Central Bank as explained in Paragraph CA-1.3.2 above, and should have the specific prior written approval of the Central Bank.

October 07