• BR-2 BR-2 Notifications and Approvals

    • BR-2.1 BR-2.1 Introduction

      • BR-2.1.1

        All notifications and requests for approvals required in this Chapter are to be submitted by licensees in writing and signed by an authorised officer in accordance with Paragraph BR-2.2.11.

        April 2016

      • BR-2.1.2

        Licensees are required to provide the CBB with a range of information to enable it to monitor the licensee's compliance with Volume 5 of the CBB Rulebook. Some of this information is provided through regular reports, whereas others are in response to the occurrence of a particular event (such as a change in name or address). The following Sections list the commonly occurring reports for which a licensee will be required to notify the CBB or seek its approval.

        April 2016

    • BR-2.2 BR-2.2 Notification Requirements

      • Matters Having a Serious Supervisory Impact

        • BR-2.2.1

          A licensee must notify the CBB if any of the following has occurred, may have occurred or may occur in the near future:

          (a) The licensee failing to satisfy one or more of the Principles of Business referred to in Module PB;
          (b) Any matter which could have a significant adverse impact on the licensee's reputation;
          (c) Any matter which could affect the licensee's ability to continue to provide adequate services to its customers and which could result in serious detriment to a customer of the licensee;
          (d) Any matter in respect of the licensee that could result in material financial consequences to the financial system or to other licensees;
          (e) A breach of any requirement imposed by law, regulation, directive or any other instruction issued by the CBB;
          (f) If a licensee becomes aware, or has information that reasonably suggests that it has or may have provided the CBB with information that was or may have been false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate, or has or may have changed in a material way; or
          (g) If the licensee intends to suspend any or all the licensed regulated services or ceases business, setting out how it proposes to do so and, in particular, how it will treat any of its liabilities (ref GR-9.1.2).
          April 2016

        • BR-2.2.2

          The circumstances that may give rise to any of the events in Paragraph BR-2.2.1 are wide-ranging and the probability of any matter resulting in such an outcome, and the severity of the outcome, may be difficult to determine. However, the CBB expects licensees to properly consider all potential events and consequences that may arise from them.

          April 2016

        • BR-2.2.3

          In determining whether an event that may occur in the near future should be notified to the CBB, a licensee should consider both the probability of the event happening and the severity of the outcome should it happen. Matters having a supervisory impact could also include matters relating to a controller that may directly or indirectly have an effect on the licensee.

          April 2016

      • Legal, Professional, Administrative or other Proceedings against a Licensee

        • BR-2.2.4

          A licensee must notify the CBB immediately of any legal, professional or administrative or other proceedings instituted against the licensee, controller of the licensee that is known to the licensee and is significant in relation to the licensee's financial resources or its reputation.

          April 2016

        • BR-2.2.5

          A licensee must notify the CBB of the bringing of a prosecution for, or conviction of, any offence under any relevant law against the licensee or any of its approved persons.

          April 2016

      • Fraud, Errors and other Irregularities

        • BR-2.2.6

          A licensee must notify the CBB immediately if one of the following events arises:

          (a) It becomes aware that a person, whether or not employed by it may have committed, or is acting with intent to commit fraud against its customers or itself;
          (b) A major operational or security incident where the incident has or may have a major negative impact on the financial interests of its customers or other licensees, or itself;
          (c) It identifies irregularities in its accounting or other records, whether or not there is evidence of fraud;
          (d) It suspects that one of its employees may be guilty of serious misconduct concerning his honesty or integrity and which is connected with the licensee's regulated activities; or
          (e) Conflicts of interest that may affect the operation of the licensee.
          Amended: December 2018
          April 2016

        • BR-2.2.7

          If the licensee may have suffered material financial losses as a result of the incident, or may suffer reputational loss, the CBB will wish to consider this and whether the incident is indicative of weaknesses in the licensee's internal controls.

          April 2016

      • Insolvency, Bankruptcy and Winding Up

        • BR-2.2.8

          Except in instances where the CBB has initiated the following actions, a licensee must notify the CBB immediately of any of the following events:

          (a) The calling of a meeting to consider a resolution for winding up the licensee or a controller of the licensee;
          (b) An application to dissolve a controller of the licensee;
          (c) The presentation of a petition for the winding up of a controller of the licensee;
          (d) The making of any proposals, or the making of, a composition or arrangement with any one or more of the licensee's creditors, for material amounts of debt;
          (e) An application for the appointment of an administrator or trustee in bankruptcy to a controller of the licensee;
          (f) The appointment of a receiver to the licensee or to a controller of the licensee (whether an administrative receiver or a receiver appointed over particular property); or
          (g) An application against the licensee, a controller of the licensee under Part 10 of the CBB Law or the Bankruptcy and Composition Law of 1987 or similar legislation in another jurisdiction.
          April 2016

      • External Auditor

        • BR-2.2.9

          A licensee must notify the CBB of the following:

          (a) Removal or resignation of its external auditor (ref. AA-1.2.1); or
          (b) A change in the partner in charge of conducting the external audit. (Ref. AA-1.3.3).
          April 2016

      • Approved Persons

        • BR-2.2.10

          A licensee must notify the CBB of the termination of employment of any approved persons, including reasons for their termination and arrangements for replacing them (ref. AU-4.4.9).

          April 2016

      • Authorised Signatories

        • BR-2.2.11

          At the time of authorisation (when the license is granted) or whenever a change occurs, in order to maintain an up-to-date record of authorised signatories of respective ancillary service providers, the CBB requires all licensees to submit to the licensee's CBB supervisory point of contact a list of specimen signatures of the officials authorised to sign on behalf of the concerned licensee, together with, where appropriate, details of what they are authorised to sign for.

          April 2016

      • Capital Adequacy Requirements

        • BR-2.2.12

          In the event that a licensee fails to meet any of the requirements specified in Section AU-2.5 it must, on becoming aware that it has breached the requirements, immediately notify the CBB in writing.

          April 2016

        • BR-2.2.13

          As specified in Article 58 of the CBB Law, a licensee must notify the CBB immediately of any matter that may affect its financial position, currently or in the future, or limit its ability to meet its obligations.

          April 2016

      • Outsourcing Arrangements

        • BR-2.2.14

          Licensees must immediately inform their normal supervisory contact at the CBB of any material problems or changes encountered with an outsourcing provider.

          April 2016

      • Controllers

        • BR-2.2.15

          If, as a result of circumstances outside the licensee's knowledge and/or control, a change in controllers is triggered prior to CBB approval being sought or obtained, the licensee must notify the CBB on the earlier of:

          (a) The moment the change takes effect; or
          (b) The moment the licensee becomes aware of the proposed change (ref. GR-7.1.6).
          April 2016

        • BR-2.2.16

          A licensee must notify the CBB of any event as specified under Article 52 of the CBB Law.

          April 2016

      • Introduction of New or Expanded Customer Products and Facilities

        • BR-2.2.17

          All licensees are required to notify the CBB before the introduction of any new products or services or any changes in existing product/service that will have an additional financial cost to the customers. The CBB will respond to the concerned licensee within one week of receipt of the notification if it has any observations on the new application.

          Amended: July 2023
          April 2016

    • BR-2.3 BR-2.3 Approval Requirements

      • Change of Address

        • BR-2.3.1

          As specified in Article 51 of the CBB Law, a licensee must seek approval from the CBB and give reasonable advance notice of a change in the address of the licensee's principal place of business in Bahrain.

          April 2016

        • BR-2.3.2

          The request under Paragraph BR-2.3.1 must include the details of the proposed new address and the date on which the licensee intends to use the new address.

          April 2016

      • Change in Legal Status

        • BR-2.3.3

          A licensee must seek CBB approval and give reasonable advance notice of a change in its legal status that may, in any way, affect its relationship with or limit its liability to its customers.

          April 2016

      • Change in Paid-up and/or Issued Capital

        • BR-2.3.4

          As specified in Article 57(3) of the CBB Law, a licensee must seek CBB prior approval before making any modification to its issued and/or paid-up capital.

          April 2016

      • Controllers

        • BR-2.3.5

          In accordance with Section GR-7.1, licensees must seek CBB prior approval and give reasonable advance notice of any of the following events:

          (a) A person acquiring control or ceasing to have control of the licensee;
          (b) An existing controller acquiring an additional type of control (such as ownership or significant influence) or ceasing to have a type of control of the licensee;
          (c) An existing controller increasing the percentage of shares or voting power of the licensee; and
          (d) An existing controller becoming or ceasing to be a parent undertaking of the licensee.
          April 2016

      • Mergers, Acquisitions and Disposals of Assets and Liabilities

        • BR-2.3.6

          A licensee incorporated in Bahrain must seek CBB prior approval and give reasonable advance notice of its intention to enter into a:

          (a) Merger with another undertaking;
          (b) Proposed acquisition or disposal of all or a major part of assets and liabilities, inside or outside the Kingdom; or
          (c) Modify its memorandum or articles of association.
          Amended: January 2020
          Added: April 2016

      • Outsourcing Arrangements

        • BR-2.3.7

          [This Paragraph was deleted in January 2023].

          Deleted: January 2023
          April 2016

      • Other Matters Having a Supervisory Impact

        • BR-2.3.8

          A licensee must seek prior approval from the CBB for any material changes or proposed changes to the information provided to the CBB in support of an authorisation application that occurs after authorisation has been granted.

          April 2016

      • External Auditor

        • BR-2.3.9

          A licensee must seek prior approval from the CBB for the appointment or re-appointment of its external auditor (ref. AU-2.7.1 and AA-1.1.1).

          April 2016

      • Dividend Distribution

        • BR-2.3.10

          Licensees, must obtain the CBB's prior written approval to any dividend proposed to be distributed to the shareholders, in accordance with Chapter GR-6.

          April 2016

      • Approved Persons

        • BR-2.3.11

          A licensee must seek prior approval from the CBB for the appointment of persons undertaking a controlled function (ref. Article 65 of the CBB Law, AU-1.3 and AU-4.3.1).

          April 2016

        • BR-2.3.12

          Licensees must seek prior CBB approval before an approved person may move from one controlled function to another within the same licensee (ref. AU-4.3.11).

          April 2016

        • BR-2.3.13

          If a controlled function falls vacant, a licensee making immediate interim arrangements for the controlled function affected, must obtain approval from the CBB (ref. AU-4.4.9).

          April 2016

      • Cessation of Business

        • BR-2.3.14

          In accordance with Paragraph GR-9.1.1 and Article 50 of the CBB Law, licensees must seek the CBB's prior approval should they wish to cease to provide or suspend any or all of the licensed regulated services of their operations and/or liquidate their business.

          April 2016