• Suitability

    • AU-1.1.9

      Those seeking authorisation must satisfy the CBB as to their suitability to carry out the regulated representative office services for which they are seeking authorisation.

      December 2010

    • AU-1.1.10

      In assessing applications for a license, the CBB will assess whether an applicant satisfies the licensing conditions (as specified in Chapter AU-2) with respect to the regulated representative office services that the applicant proposes undertaking.

      December 2010

    • AU-1.1.11

      In addition to the licensing conditions specified in Chapter AU-2 the CBB, in considering an application shall also take into consideration the following:

      (a) The reputation and financial standing (including financial standing on a consolidated basis) of the applicant,
      (b) The consolidated supervisory arrangements, if any, for the applicant in any other jurisdiction and the opinion of the relevant supervisory authority therefore,
      (c) The previous 3 years track-record, as a minimum, of the applicant, its owners and management, both as regards probity and in relation to the activities to be undertaken, and
      (d) The suitability of the proposal and the effect on the financial sector in Bahrain of the applicant being granted a license.
      December 2010