• Reporting Requirements

    • BR BR CBB Reporting

      • BR-A BR-A Introduction

        • BR-A.1 BR-A.1 Purpose

          • Executive Summary

            • BR-A.1.1

              This Module sets out the Central Bank of Bahrain ('CBB')'s financial reporting requirements, as well as notifications and CBB prior approvals required from insurance licensees, except for licensees exempted as per Chapter BR-1. This Module also outlines the methods used by the CBB in gathering information required in the supervision of insurance licensees.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Legal Basis

            • BR-A.1.2

              This Module contains the CBB's (as amended from time to time) Directive relating to reporting requirements of the CBB and is issued under the powers available to the CBB under Article 38 of the Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law 2006 ('CBB Law'). The Directive in this Module is applicable to insurance licensees (including their approved persons).

              Amended: January 2011
              Added: January 2007

            • BR-A.1.3

              For an explanation of the CBB’s rule-making powers and different regulatory instruments, see Section UG-1.1.

              Added: January 2007

        • BR-A.2 BR-A.2 Module History

          • BR-A.2.1

            This Module was first issued in April 2005 by the BMA, together with the rest of Volume 3 (Insurance). Any material changes that have subsequently been made to this Module are annotated with the calendar quarter date in which the change is made: UG-3 provides further details on Rulebook maintenance and version control.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-A.2.2

            When the CBB replaced the BMA in September 2006, the provisions of this Module remained in force. Volume 3 was updated in January 2007 to reflect the switch to the CBB; however, new calendar quarter dates were only issued where the update necessitated changes to actual requirements.

            Added: January 2007

          • BR-A.2.3

            A list of recent changes made to this Module is provided below:

            Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes
            BR-1.1 01/10/05 Corrected reference to Form IFR; Clarified definition of equity basis; amended requirement to have IFR reviewed (instead of audited) by external auditors; amended signatures required for IFR for overseas insurance firms and; added a Paragraph detailing other reporting requirements.
            BR-1.2 01/10/05 Amended requirement to have IMR reviewed (instead of audited) by external auditors; amended signatures required for IMR for overseas insurance licensees and; added a Paragraph detailing other reporting requirements.
            BR-1.4 01/10/05 Corrected reference to Form IFRQ and amended due date of quarterly return to within 45 days of the relevant quarter year end.
            BR-2.2 01/10/05 Added notification requirement for appointed representatives and for reinsurance in excess of 25%.
            BR-2.3 01/10/05 Clarified that prior approval for changes in controllers is required for all insurance licensees.
            BR-1.1 01/01/06 Clarified that the Insurance Firm Return (IFR) of every insurance firm must be reviewed in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements. Added a transition period for the submission of the first IFR for the period ending December 31, 2006.
            BR-1.2 01/01/06 Clarified that the IMR of every insurance intermediary and insurance manager must be reviewed, in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements.
            BR-1.3 01/01/06 Added a transition period for the submission of the first GIFR for the period ending December 31, 2006.
            BR-1.4 01/01/06 Added a transition period for the submission of the first QIFR for the period ending March 31, 2007.
            BR-1.1 01/04/06 Added the requirement for filing a copy of the external auditor's management letter.
            BR-1.2 01/04/06 Added the requirement for filing a copy of the external auditor's management letter.


            01/04/06 Corrected cross reference to Module CA and clarified prior approval requirements in the case of insurance contracts with related parties; corrected cross reference to Module AU.
            BR-A.1.2 01/2007 New Rule introduced, categorising this Module as a Directive.
            BR-1.1.5, 16, 17 and 26 and BR-1.2.5, .15, 16 and 17 01/2007 Auditor's report (Agreed Upon Procedures) for both the IFR and IMR is to be submitted separately, within four months of the financial year end.
            BR-1.1.18 01/2007 Amended details of actuary's certification in line with new format of certificate included as part of the IFR.
            BR-1.1.29 and 36 and BR-1.2.20 and 27 01/2007 The management letter issued by the external auditors is to be deposited along with the audited financial statements with every IFR and IMR.
            BR-1.4.2 01/2007 Clarified that quarterly reporting requirements do not apply to insurance firms in run-off and to pure reinsurers.
            BR-2.3.22 01/2007 Clarified the Rule regarding related party transactions.
            BR-1.1.22, 23, 25 10/2007 Reporting requirements for actuarial reports amended as per changes to Chapter AA-4.
            BR-1.1.26 and 30 10/2007 Amended number and format of copies of IFR to be submitted to CBB
            BR-1.2.17 and 21 10/2007 Amended number and format of copies of IMR to be submitted to CBB
            BR-2.3.29 10/2007 Added that CBB prior approval is required for dividend distribution.
            BR-2.2.14 04/2009 Added notification requirement for when an approved person ceases to occupy a controlled function.
            BR-2.2.8 04/2010 Added conflict of interest in notification requirements.
            BR-2.2.11(g) 04/2010 Amended name of bankruptcy legislation.
            BR-A.1.2 01/01/11 Clarified legal basis.
            BR-1.5 01/2011 Added IIS reporting requirements.
            BR-1.5.2 04/2011 Corrected cross reference.
            BR-1.5.3 10/2011 Added requirement for submission of complaint handling procedures report.
            BR-3.4.1 10/2011 Corrected cross reference.
            BR-3.5 10/2011 Added new Section on the Role of the Appointed Expert (Material transferred from EN-2).
            BR-1.1.35(a) 04/2012 Corrected cross reference.
            BR-1.2 04/2012 Amended to reflect updated requirements for insurance consultant and manager financial reporting.
            BR-1.2A 04/2012 New Section added for Insurance Broker return.
            BR-1.4A 04/2012 New Section added for semi-annual prudential reporting by insurance brokers.
            BR-1.5 04/2012 Added requirement for a report reviewing the insurance broker's compliance with Module CL and other minor corrections.
            BR-3.1.1A and BR-3.1.1B 04/2012 Added Paragraphs to clarify Rules on power to request information.
            BR-3.3.1 and BR-3.4 04/2012 Minor corrections.
            BR-1.5.1 01/2013 Clarified deadline to update IIS.
            BR-1.2A.6 04/2013 Corrected due date for insurance broker return to be consistent with other related Rules.
            BR-2.3.14 04/2013 Added reference to CBB Law.
            BR-2.3.17 04/2013 Clarified the Rule on the establishments of new operations.
            BR-1.1 04/2014 Amended to be in line with the updated requirements for the actuary's financial condition report.
            BR-2.3.29 and BR-2.3.30 10/2014 Clarified that the requirement for the payment of dividends is a no objection letter from the CBB.
            BR-2.2.13A, BR-2.2.13B, BR-2.3.7 and BR-2.3.9 10/2015 Amended to be in line with updated Chapter GR-5.
            BR-1A.5 04/2017 Added a new Section on On-site Inspection Reporting.
            BR-2.3.14 01/2020 Amended Paragraph.
            BR-2.3.17 01/2020 Amended Paragraph.
            BR-1A.5.2 01/2022 Amended Paragraph on the submission of the written assessment of the observations/issues raised in the Inspection draft report.
            BR-1.4.7 04/2022 Amended Paragraph on the submission of the quarterly financial report.
            BR-1.4A.6 04/2022 Amended Paragraph on the submission of the semi-annual financial report.
            BR-1.1A 07/2022 Added a new Section on semi-annual (interim) financial statements.
            BR-1.4.2 07/2022 Amended Paragraph on submission of Quarterly Financial Reporting.
            BR-2.3.29(a) 01/2023 Deleted Sub-paragraph on CBB approval for outsourcing internal audit function and other material functions.
            BR-1.1.5 10/2023 Amended Paragraph on submission of IFR requirements.
            BR-1.1.12 10/2023 Deleted Paragraph.
            BR-1.1.13 10/2023 Deleted Paragraph.
            BR-1.1.26 10/2023 Amended Paragraph on submission of IFR requirements.
            BR-1.1.30 10/2023 Deleted Paragraph.
            BR-1.1.31 10/2023 Deleted Paragraph.
            BR-1.2A.6 10/2023 Amended Paragraph on the content of the insurance broker return report.
            BR-1.2A.11 – BR-1.2A.13 10/2023 Deleted Paragraphs.
            BR-1.2A.18 10/2023 Amended Paragraph on submission of IBR.
            BR-1.2A.21 – BR-1.2A.22 10/2023 Deleted Paragraphs.

          • BR-A.2.3 [Deleted]

            Deleted: January 2007

          • BR-A.2.4

            Guidance on the implementation and transition to Volume 3 (Insurance) is given in Module ES (Executive Summary).

            Amended: January 2007

      • BR-B BR-B Scope of Application

        • BR-B.1 BR-B.1 Scope

          • BR-B.1.1

            The content of this Module — unless otherwise stated — applies to all insurance licensees authorised in the Kingdom, that is insurance firms, insurance intermediaries and insurance managers.

          • BR-B.1.2

            The effect of BR-B.1.1 is that this Module, unless otherwise stated, applies in full to all insurance licensees authorised in Bahrain whether or not the insurance licensee is incorporated in an overseas territory and operating through a branch in the Kingdom. In respect of insurance firms, unless otherwise stated, this Module applies in full whether or not the insurance firm is a direct insurer, a reinsurer, or both.

          • BR-B.1.3

            In this Module, the term 'in writing' includes electronic communication capable of being reproduced in paper form.

            Amended: October 2007

      • BR-1 BR-1 Prudential Reporting

        • BR-1.1 BR-1.1 Insurance Firms — Insurance Firm Return

          • BR-1.1.1

            Insurance firms must prepare and submit to the CBB an Insurance Firm Return for each financial year, within 3 months of the insurance firm's financial year end.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-1.1.2

            The financial year of an insurance firm must be a 12-month period ending on 31 December, except where the firm has obtained the written consent from the CBB for either the period or the period end to be other than 12 months and 31 December respectively. In any event, the financial year can never be less than a 6-month period or greater than an 18-month period.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-1.1.3

            Except in exceptional circumstances and subject to BR-1.1.2, an insurance firm's financial year, for the purposes of preparing the Insurance Firm Return, and the financial year for the purposes of preparing the shareholder accounts, must coincide.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-1.1.4

            For the purposes of BR-1.1.3, the CBB would usually accept that the financial year end of an overseas insurance firm would be the same as that of the company itself. The only times that the CBB would be likely to consider allowing an insurance firm to adopt a financial period of other than 12 months would be the year in which it is authorised (i.e. a period of less than 12 months) or when the company itself changes its reporting period for the purposes of its shareholder accounts.

            Amended: January 2007

          • Content of the Insurance Firm Return

            • BR-1.1.5

              For every insurance firm who undertakes insurance business, an Insurance Firm Return must be submitted within three months of its financial year end, using the prescribed form IFR from Part B of Volume 3 (Insurance), together with where applicable, Actuary's Certificate and report.

              Amended: October 2023
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.6

              For purposes of Paragraph BR-1.1.5, captive insurers are required to submit additional information, as outlined in prescribed Form IFR. This information covers:

              (a) Risk Gap — the degree to which the firm's potential liabilities (under the policy limits) exceed available assets and the resources available to meet this gap; and
              (b) Reinsurance — the firm's providers, limits and claims.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.7

              The content of the Insurance Firm Return required to be submitted by an insurance firm in accordance with BR-1.1.5 must be in the format prescribed by the CBB and completed in accordance with any instructions specified by the CBB.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.8

              The Insurance Firm Return must be completed by every insurance firm licensed in Bahrain, in the following manner:

              (a) In the case of an insurance firm incorporated in Bahrain the Insurance Firm Return must be completed on an equity basis, (cost of investment plus share of profits and less share of loss and dividends declared) detailing all investments in subsidiaries; or
              (b)In the case of an overseas insurance firm licensed in Bahrain, the Insurance Firm Return must be completed in respect of the insurance business carried out by the overseas insurance firm in Bahrain.
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.9

              The format of the Insurance Firm Return is included in Part B of the Rulebook as Form IFR, with forms applicable for conventional business, IFR(C) and for takaful business, IFR (T).

          • Valuation of Assets and Liabilities

            • BR-1.1.10

              For the purposes of the Insurance Firm Return, the information submitted must include the amounts as per the audited financial statements, the value or amount given for an asset or a liability of the insurance licensee as determined in accordance with Chapter CA-4, Valuation of Assets and Chapter CA-5, Valuation of Liabilities, as well as the admissibility and counterparty limits of the firm's assets for purposes of calculating the firm's capital available.

            • BR-1.1.11

              The valuation of liabilities in respect of long-term insurance business must be made on a basis not less stringent than the minimum basis specified in Chapter CA-5. Should this long-term business relate to a jurisdiction other than Bahrain, the valuation basis adopted must be the more stringent of:

              (a) The basis specified in Chapter CA-5; and
              (b)The basis required by the law of that other jurisdiction for regulatory purposes.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • BR-1.1.12

            [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

            Deleted: October 2023
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-1.1.13

            [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

            Amended: January 2007
            Amended: October 2007
            Deleted: October 2023

          • Audit and Auditor's Report

            • BR-1.1.14

              The Insurance Firm Return (IFR) of every insurance firm must be reviewed in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements. The review must certify that the information provided in the IFR is in agreement with the books and records of the company and its audited financial statements.

            • BR-1.1.15

              The Insurance Firm Return must be reviewed by the firm's external auditor, appointed in accordance with Module AA, or by other qualified persons as directed by the CBB.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.16

              The insurance firm must provide to the CBB within four months of the financial year end, an auditor's report, in the format prescribed by the CBB, stating the auditor's opinion on the matters identified in this Module.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.17

              The format of the Auditor's Report is included in Part B of the Rulebook, as part of the Supplementary Information.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Actuary's Certification

            • BR-1.1.18

              An actuary's certification is included as part of the IFR. The certification must be in the format prescribed by the CBB and signed by the actuary. It must state that, in his opinion, the actuary has satisfied himself as to the accuracy of the valuations made for the purposes of the investigation and as to their adequacy to meet the obligations of the insurance firm and the financial statements fairly present the results of the valuation. In addition, the actuary will have verified the consistency of the valuation data with the insurance firm’s financial records.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.19

              The format of the Actuary's Certification is included as part of the IFR.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.20

              The actuary must also disclose and quantify in his certification the effect on his valuations of any material event that occurs after the valuation date.

              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.21

              The Actuary's Certificate must be submitted every year where an Actuary's financial condition report is submitted in accordance with Chapter AA-4.

              Amended: April 2014
              Amended: October 2007

          • Actuary's Financial Condition Report

            • BR-1.1.22

              An insurance firm carrying on long-term insurance business must commission a financial condition report (FCR) as required under Paragraph AA-4.1.3 and made pursuant to Paragraph AA-4.3.1 and must submit to the CBB an abstract of the actuary's report as prescribed in Paragraph BR-1.1.23.

              Amended: April 2014
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.22A

              An insurance firm carrying on general insurance business must commission a financial condition report (FCR) as required under Paragraph AA-4.1.4 and made pursuant to Paragraph AA-4.3.1 and must submit to the CBB an abstract of the actuary's report as prescribed in Paragraph BR-1.1.23.

              Added: April 2014

            • BR-1.1.23

              An abstract of the actuary's report must be submitted in the prescribed form in compliance with the Valuations of Liabilities rules outlined in Chapter CA-5 and Rules outlined in Sections AA-4.3 and AA-4.3A, wherever applicable. The abstract must be signed by the actuary, recognised by the CBB in accordance with Chapter AA-4.

              Amended: April 2014
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.24

              The abstract must include:

              (a) A summary and valuation of the policies; and
              (b) A valuation result and the actuary's opinion of the surplus available for distribution, for each of the separate funds maintained by the insurance firm.
              Amended: January 2007

          • BR-1.1.25

            [This Paragraph was deleted in April 2014.]

            Deleted: April 2014
            Amended: October 2007
            Amended: January 2007

          • Preparation and Deposit of the Insurance Firm Return

            • BR-1.1.26

              Every Insurance Firm Return, including the Actuary's Certificate made pursuant to Paragraph BR-1.1.18 and any report made by the actuary pursuant to Paragraph BR-1.1.22 and/or Paragraph BR-1.1.22A, whichever is applicable, must be submitted to the CBB electronically within 3 months of the financial year end.

              Amended: October 2023
              Amended: April 2014
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.27

              If the CBB notifies the insurance firm that a document deposited under Paragraph BR-1.1.26 appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, the insurance firm must consider the matter and within one month of the CBB notification, it must correct any inaccuracies and make good any omissions and submit the amended parts of the Insurance Firm Return.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.28

              The external auditor and actuary must consider the impact on their report of any amendment referred to in Paragraph BR-1.1.27, and withdraw and correct their original report based on the revised information.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.29

              The audited financial statements submitted to the shareholders and policyholders (or participants, in the case of Takaful companies) of the insurance firm and the management letter issued by the external auditor must be deposited with every Insurance Firm Return in respect of the financial year to which the Insurance Firm Return relates.

              Amended: April 2014
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.29A

              For Takaful firms, the audited financial statements submitted to the CBB along with the IFR, must provide a detailed breakdown of the statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income for the shareholder fund and for any participant fund(s) of the Takaful firm.

              Added: April 2014

            • BR-1.1.30

              [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

              Deleted: October 2023
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.1.31

              [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

              Deleted: October 2023

          • Public Disclosure

            • BR-1.1.32

              While certain information related to insurance firms is subject to public disclosure as prescribed by Module PD, the Insurance Firm Return is not a public document and as such will not, unless otherwise provided in the CBB's Rulebook, be disclosed to third parties by the CBB without the insurance firm's consent.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.33

              Whilst the Insurance Firm Return is not a public document, the CBB may from time to time publish aggregate information derived from the Insurance Firm Return relating to classes of insurance firms and the Bahrain insurance industry as a whole.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.34

              Whilst the Insurance Firm Return is not a public document, as per Paragraph BR-1.1.32 insurance firms are not prevented from providing complete copies (including all relevant certifications and reports) to third parties.

          • Other Reporting Requirements

            • BR-1.1.35

              The IFR Form also includes other reporting requirements found throughout Volume 3 (Insurance), including:

              (a) Directors' High-Level Control Certificate (HC-1.11.3); and
              (b) Report on close links (GR-6.2.1).
              Amended: April 2012
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.1.36

              All insurance firms must submit a copy of the external auditor's management letter no later than three months of the insurance firm's financial year end.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • Transition Period

            • BR-1.1.37

              The first Insurance Firm Return (IFR) for both conventional and takaful insurance firms, required under Section BR-1.1, must be submitted to the CBB for the financial year ending 31 December 2006 (refer to ES-2.7.1).

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

        • BR-1.2 BR-1.2 Insurance Consultants and Managers Financial Reporting —

          • BR-1.1A BR-1.1A Semi-annual (Interim) Financial Statements

            • BR-1.2.1 BR-1.2.1

              Insurance consultants and insurance managers must submit to the CBB the audited financial statements for each financial year, within 3 months of the insurance consultant's and insurance manager's financial year end.

              Amended: April 2012
              Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.1A.1

                Insurance firms are required to submit their semi-annual (interim) financial statements to the CBB within two months of the date of the statement.

                Added: July 2022

              • BR-1.2.2

                The financial year of an insurance consultant or an insurance manager must be a 12-month period ending on 31 December except where the firm has obtained the written consent from the CBB for either the period or the period end to be other than 12 months and 31 December respectively. In any event, the financial year can never be less than a 6-month period or greater than an 18-month period.

                Amended: April 2012
                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.2.3

                [This Paragraph was deleted in April 2012].

                Deleted: April 2012

              • BR-1.2.4

                For the purposes of BR-1.2.2, the CBB would usually accept that the financial year end of an overseas insurance licensee would be the same as that of the company itself. The only times that the CBB would be likely to consider allowing an insurance consultant or insurance manager to adopt a financial period of other than 12 months would be the year in which it is authorised (i.e. a period of less than 12 months) or when the company itself changes its reporting period for the purposes of its shareholder accounts.

                [Paragraphs BR-1.2.5 to 1.2.27 were deleted in April 2012 as insurance consultants and insurance managers are no longer required to file form IMR nor subject to other reporting requirements, other than those referred to in Paragraph BR-1.2.1].

                Amended: April 2012
                Amended: January 2007

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.5

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.6

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.7

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.8

                  Deleted: April 2012

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.9

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.10

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.11

                  Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.12

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.13

                  Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.14

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.15

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.16

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.17

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.18

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.19

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007

                • BR-1.2.20

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.21

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007

                • BR-1.2.22

                  Deleted: April 2012

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.23

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.24

                  Amended: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.25

                  Deleted: April 2012

              • [Deleted]

                Deleted: April 2012

                • BR-1.2.26

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: January 2007

                • BR-1.2.27

                  Deleted: April 2012
                  Amended: October 2007
                  Amended: January 2007

          • BR-1.2A BR-1.2A Insurance Brokers – Insurance Broker Return

            • BR-1.2A.1

              Insurance brokers must prepare and submit to the CBB an Insurance Broker Return (Form IBR) for each financial year, within 2 months of the insurance broker's financial year end.

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.2A.2

              The first annual return (IBR) for insurance brokers is to be submitted to the CBB for the annual period ending 31st December 2012 (refer to ES-2.7.4).

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.2A.3

              The financial year of an insurance broker must be a 12-month period ending on 31 December, except where the licensee has obtained the written consent from the CBB for either the period or the period end to be other than 12 months and 31 December respectively. In any event, the financial year can never be less than a 6-month period or greater than an 18-month period.

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.2A.4

              Except in exceptional circumstances and subject to Paragraph BR-1.2A.3, an insurance broker's financial year, for the purposes of preparing the Insurance Broker Return, and the financial year for the purposes of preparing the shareholder accounts, must coincide.

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.2A.5

              For the purposes of Paragraph BR-1.2A.4, the CBB would usually accept that the financial year end of an overseas insurance broker would be the same as that of the company itself. The only times that the CBB would be likely to consider allowing an insurance broker to adopt a financial period of other than 12 months would be the year in which it is authorised (i.e. a period of less than 12 months) or when the company itself changes its reporting period for the purposes of its shareholder accounts.

              Added: April 2012

            • Content of the Insurance Broker Return

              • BR-1.2A.6

                Insurance Brokers must submit the Insurance Broker Return within two months of its financial year end, using the prescribed form IBR from Part B of Volume 3 (Insurance).

                Amended: October 2023
                Amended: February 2014
                Amended: April 2013
                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.7

                The content of the IBR required to be submitted by an insurance broker in accordance with Paragraph BR-1.2A.6 must be in the format prescribed by the CBB and completed in accordance with any instructions specified by the CBB.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.8

                The IBR must be completed by every insurance broker licensed in Bahrain, in the following manner:

                (a) In the case of an insurance broker incorporated in Bahrain, the IBR must be completed on an equity basis, detailing all investments in subsidiaries; or
                (b) In the case of an overseas insurance licensee, the IBR must be completed in respect of the activities carried out by the overseas insurance licensee in Bahrain.
                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.9

                The format of the IBR is included in Part B of the Rulebook as Form IBR.

                Added: April 2012

            • Valuation of Assets and Liabilities

              • BR-1.2A.10

                For the purposes of the IBR, the value or amount given for an asset or a liability of the insurance licensee must be the value or amount of that asset or a liability as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable in the Kingdom and in compliance with any requirements from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and where applicable, with CBB requirements.

                Added: April 2012

            • Directors' Certificate

              • BR-1.2A.11

                [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

                Deleted: October 2023
                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.12

                [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

                Deleted: October 2023
                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.13

                [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

                Deleted: October 2023
                Added: April 2012

            • Audit and Auditor's Report

              • BR-1.2A.14

                The IBR of every insurance broker must be reviewed, in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements. The review must certify that the information provided in the IBR is in agreement with the books and records of the licensee and its audited financial statements.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.15

                The IBR must be reviewed by the licensee's external auditor, appointed in accordance with Module AA, or by other qualified persons as directed by the CBB.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.16

                The insurance licensee must provide to the CBB, within three months of the financial year end, an auditor's report, in the format prescribed by the CBB, stating the auditor's opinion on the matters identified in this Module.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.17

                The format of the Auditor's Report is included in Part B of the Rulebook as Appendix BR-(ii), as part of the Supplementary Information.

                Added: April 2012

            • Preparation and Deposit of the IBR

              • BR-1.2A.18

                Every IBR must be submitted to the CBB electronically within 2 months of the financial year end.

                Amended: October 2023
                Amended: October 2014
                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.19

                If the CBB notifies the insurance licensee that a document deposited under Paragraph BR-1.2A.18 appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, the insurance licensee must consider the matter and within one month of the CBB notification it must correct any inaccuracies and make good any omissions and submit the amended parts of the IBR.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.20

                The external auditor must consider the impact on his report of any amendment referred to in Paragraph BR-1.2A.19, and withdraw and correct his original report based on the revised information.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.21

                [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

                Deleted: October 2023
                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.22

                [This Paragraph was deleted in October 2023].

                Deleted: October 2023
                Added: April 2012

            • Submission of Audited Financial Statements and Management Letter

              • BR-1.2A.23

                The audited financial statements submitted to the shareholders of the insurance licensee and the management letter issued by the external auditor must be submitted to the CBB no later than three months following the insurance broker's financial year end.

                Added: April 2012

            • Public Disclosure

              • BR-1.2A.24

                The IBR is not a public document and as such will not, unless otherwise provided in the CBB's Rulebook, be disclosed to third parties by the CBB without the insurance licensee's consent.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.25

                Whilst the IBR is not a public document, the CBB may from time to time publish aggregate information derived from IBR relating to the classes of licensees and the Bahrain insurance industry as a whole.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.2A.26

                Whilst the IBR is not a public document, as per Paragraph BR-1.2A.24, insurance brokers are not prevented from providing complete copies (including all relevant certifications and reports) to third parties.

                Added: April 2012

            • Other Reporting Requirements

              • BR-1.2A.27

                The IBR Form also includes other reporting requirements found throughout Volume 3 (Insurance), including:

                (a) Directors' High-Level Control Certificate (HC-1.11.3); and
                (b) Report on close links (GR-6.2.1).
                Added: April 2012

          • BR-1.3 BR-1.3 Group Financial Reporting

            • Group Insurance Firm Return

              • BR-1.3.1

                Group financial reporting is required for the following insurance firms:

                (a) Overseas insurance firms; and
                (b) Bahraini insurance firms that are part of a group.
                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.3.2

                Captive insurers are exempt from submitting a Group Insurance Firm Return.

              • BR-1.3.3

                Group financial reporting is required in order for the CBB to better assess the financial condition of the group as a whole and the possible impact this may have on the operations of the Bahraini insurance firm.

                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.3.4

                For those insurance firms referred to in Paragraph BR-1.3.1 that are required to submit an Insurance Firm Return they must prepare and submit to the CBB a Group Insurance Firm Return in respect of the ultimate parent undertaking for each financial year.

                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.3.5

                The financial year for the purposes of Paragraph BR-1.3.4 must coincide with that of the ultimate parent undertaking. In instances where the financial year end of the parent undertaking is other than 31 December, the insurance licensee must provide written notification to the CBB, within three months of 31 December detailing the financial year end of the parent undertaking.

                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.3.6

                For the purposes of this Chapter, the ultimate parent undertaking means (in relation to an insurance firm) the highest parent insurance undertaking of the insurance firm or the holding company whose predominant investment are shares of the insurance firm(s) (wherever established) that is not itself the subsidiary of another undertaking.

              • BR-1.3.7

                The Group Insurance Firm Return must be submitted to the CBB within 6 months of the relevant parent undertaking's financial year end, using the prescribed form GIFR from Part B of Volume 3 (Insurance).

                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.3.8

                For purposes of Paragraph BR-1.3.7, the Group Insurance Firm Return must contain consolidated information extracted from the consolidated financial statements prepared in respect of the relevant parent undertaking and its subsidiaries as a whole, that carry on regulated insurance services as defined in accordance with Section AU-1.4.

                Amended: October 2007

              • BR-1.3.9

                Insurance firms may also need to provide to the CBB information for the purposes of monitoring Group Solvency as required in Chapter CA-7, in addition to the requirements of Section BR-1.3.

                Amended: January 2007

              • BR-1.3.10

                The first Group Insurance Firm Return (GIFR) for insurance firms, required under Section BR-1.3, must be submitted to the CBB for the financial year ending 31 December 2006 (refer to ES-2.7.2).

                Amended: January 2007
                Amended: October 2007

          • BR-1.4 BR-1.4 Quarterly Financial Reporting

            • BR-1.4.1

              Except as provided for under Paragraph BR-1.4.2, every insurance firm required to submit an Insurance Firm Return must prepare and submit to the CBB selected Sections of the Insurance Firm Return for each quarters ending 3, 6 and 9 months after its financial year end, except where the written consent of the CBB has been obtained to modify the length of these quarters.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.4.2

              This Chapter does not apply to captive insurers in recognition of the structure of these licensees and limited exposure to policyholders. Insurance firms who are in run-off and whose license is restricted from entering into new contracts of insurance as per Paragraph GR-8.1.8, are grandfathered and not required to apply the requirements of Paragraph BR-1.4.1.

              Amended: July 2022
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-1.4.3

              The format of the information required to be submitted on a quarterly basis is included in Part B of Volume 3 (Insurance) of the Rulebook, as Insurance Firm Quarterly Return (IFRQ).

            • BR-1.4.4

              For the purposes of BR-1.4.1 the financial year end will be the year end as determined for the purposes of the preparation and submission of the Insurance Firm Return (Form IFR) required under Chapter BR-1.1 of this Module.

            • BR-1.4.5

              The circumstances where the CBB will consider requests to modify BR-1.4.1 are equivalent to those set out in BR-1.1.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.4.6

              Quarterly financial reporting consists of such parts of the Insurance Firm Return as may be specified by the CBB and must be completed in accordance with the rules, formats and instructions applicable to those parts that apply to the Insurance Firm Return.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-1.4.7

              Quarterly financial reporting must be submitted to the CBB within 30 calendar days of the relevant quarter end.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: April 2022

            • BR-1.4.8

              The first quarterly return (IFRQ) for insurance firms must be submitted to the CBB for the quarter ending 31 March 2007 (refer to ES-2.7.3).

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • BR-1.4A BR-1.4A Semi-annual Prudential Reporting by Insurance Brokers

            • BR-1.4A.1

              Every insurance broker required to submit an Insurance Broker Return under Section BR-1.2A, must prepare and submit to the CBB selected Sections of the Insurance Broker Return semi-annually 6 months after its financial year end.

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.4A.2

              The first semi-annual return (IBRS) for insurance brokers is to be submitted to the CBB for the semi-annual period ending 30th June 2012 (refer to ES-2.7.5).

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.4A.3

              The format of the information required to be submitted on a semi-annual basis is included in Part B of Volume 3 (Insurance) of the Rulebook, as Insurance Broker Semi-Annual Return (IBRS).

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.4A.4

              For the purposes of BR-1.4A.1, the financial year end will be the year end as determined for the purposes of the preparation and submission of the Insurance Broker Return (Form IBR) required under Section BR-1.2A of this Module.

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.4A.5

              Semi-annual financial reporting consists of such parts of the Insurance Broker Return as may be specified by the CBB and must be completed in accordance with the rules, formats and instructions applicable to those parts that apply to the Insurance Broker Return or as specified by the CBB.

              Added: April 2012

            • BR-1.4A.6

              Semi-annual financial reporting must be submitted to the CBB 30 calendar days of the end of semi-annual period, by 30th July.

              Added: April 2012
              Amended: April 2022

          • BR-1.5 BR-1.5 Other Reporting Requirements

            • IIS Reporting Requirements

              • BR-1.5.1

                Insurance licensees, registered actuaries and loss adjusters are required to complete online non-financial information related to their institution by accessing the CBB's institutional information system (IIS). Insurance licensees registered actuaries and loss adjusters must update the required information at least on a quarterly basis or when a significant change occurs in the non-financial information included in the IIS. If no information has changed during the quarter, the insurance licensees, registered actuaries and loss adjusters must still access the IIS quarterly and confirm that the information contained in the IIS is correct. Licensees must ensure that they access the IIS within 20 calendar days from the end of the related quarter and either confirm or update the information contained in the IIS.

                Amended: January 2013
                Amended: April 2012
                Added: January 2011

              • BR-1.5.2

                Insurance licensees, registered actuaries and loss adjusters failing to comply with the requirements of Paragraph BR-1.5.1 or reporting inaccurate information may be subject to financial penalties or other enforcement actions as outlined in Module (EN) Enforcement.

                Amended: April 2012
                Amended: April 2011
                Added: January 2011

            • Complaint Handling Procedures Report

              • BR-1.5.3

                Insurance licensees must submit quarterly to the CBB's Compliance Directorate a report summarising the outcome of their complaint handling procedures in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph BC-4.7.1.

                Added: October 2011

            • Compliance with Module CL (Client Assets)

              • BR-1.5.4

                Every insurance broker must submit to the CBB within three months from the financial year-end, a report as to the quality of the insurance broker's procedures dealing with the insurance broker's fiduciary assets/liabilities and compliance with Module CL (Client Assets).

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.5.5

                The report required under Paragraph BR-1.5.4 must be prepared by the licensee's external auditor, in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements.

                Added: April 2012

              • BR-1.5.6

                The format of the Auditor's Report required under Paragraph BR-1.5.4 is included in Part B of the Rulebook as Appendix BR-(iv), as part of the Supplementary Information.

                Added: April 2012

          • BR-1A.5 BR-1A.5 Onsite Inspection Reporting

            • BR-1A.5.1

              For the purpose of onsite inspection by the CBB, Insurance licensees must submit requested documents and completed questionnaires to the Inspection Directorate at the CBB three working days ahead of inspection team entry date.

              Added: April 2017

            • BR-1A.5.2

              Insurance licensees must review the contents of the draft Inspection Report and submit to the Inspection Directorate at the CBB a written assessment of the observations/issues raised within fifteen working days of receipt of such report. Evidentiary documents supporting management’s comments must also be included in the response package.

              Amended: January 2022
              Added: April 2017

            • BR-1A.5.3

              Insurance licensees' board are required to review the contents of the Inspection Report and submit within one month, of the report issue date, a final response to such report along with an action plan addressing the issues raised within the stipulated timeline.

              Added: April 2017

            • BR-1A.5.4

              Insurance licensees failing to comply with the requirements of Paragraphs BR-1A.5.1 and BR-1A.5.2 are subject to date sensitive requirements and other enforcement actions as outlined in Module (EN) Enforcement.

              Added: April 2017

      • BR-2 BR-2 Notifications and Approvals

        • BR-2.1 BR-2.1 Introduction

          • BR-2.1.1

            Insurance licensees are required to provide the CBB with a wide range of information to enable it to meet its responsibilities for monitoring the insurance licensee's compliance with requirements imposed by or under the CBB Law. Some of this information is provided through regular reports, whereas others are in response to the occurrence of a particular event such as a change in name or address. The following sets out several of the commonly occurring reports for which an insurance licensee will be required to notify the CBB or seek its approval.

            Amended: January 2007
            Amended: October 2007

          • BR-2.1.2

            All notifications and approvals required in this Chapter are to be submitted by insurance licensees in writing.

        • BR-2.2 BR-2.2 Notification Requirements

          • Matters Having a Serious Supervisory Impact

            • BR-2.2.1

              An insurance licensee must provide written notification to the CBB immediately it becomes aware, or has information which reasonably suggests, that any of the following has occurred, may have occurred or may occur in the foreseeable future:

              (a) The insurance licensee failing to satisfy one or more of the Principles of Business referred to in Module PB;
              (b) Any matter which could have a significant adverse impact on the insurance licensee's reputation;
              (c) Any matter which could affect the insurance licensee's ability to continue to provide adequate services to its customers and which could result in serious detriment to a customer of the insurance licensee; or
              (d) Any matter in respect of the insurance licensee that could result in serious financial consequences to the financial system or to other insurance licensees.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.2.2

              The circumstances that may give rise to any of the events in Paragraph BR-2.2.1 are wide-ranging and the probability of any matter resulting in such an outcome, and the severity of the outcome, may be difficult to determine. However, the CBB expects insurance licensees to consider properly all potential consequences of events.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.2.3

              In determining whether an event that may occur in the foreseeable future should be notified to the CBB, an insurance licensee should consider both the probability of the event happening and the severity of the outcome should it happen. Matters having a supervisory impact could also include matters relating to a parent undertaking or controller that may indirectly have an effect on the insurance licensee.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Breaches of Rules and Other Requirements

            • BR-2.2.4

              An insurance licensee must notify the CBB of:

              (a) A significant breach of any provision of the Rulebook (including a Principle);
              (b) A breach of any requirement imposed by the relevant law or by Regulations or an order made under any relevant law by the CBB; or
              (c) The bringing of a prosecution for, or conviction of, any offence under any relevant law against the insurance licensee that would prevent the insurance licensee from meeting the Principles or Business (Module PB) or any of its Directors, officers, approved persons, or appointed representatives from meeting the fit and proper requirements of Module AU.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.2.5

              An insurance licensee must make the notification in Paragraph BR-2.2.4 immediately it becomes aware, or has information which reasonably suggests, that any of the matters in Paragraph BR-2.2.4 has occurred, may have occurred or may occur in the foreseeable future (refer also to Paragraph EN-8.2.3).

              Amended: January 2007

          • Legal, Professional, Administrative or other Proceedings Against an Insurance Licensee

            • BR-2.2.6

              An insurance licensee must notify the CBB immediately of any legal, professional or administrative or other proceedings instituted against the insurance licensee, controller or a close link including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee that is known to the insurance licensee and is significant in relation to the insurance licensee's financial resources or its reputation.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.2.7

              The requirement imposed on insurance licensees under Paragraph BR-2.2.6 applies whether the event relates to a matter that has occurred in Bahrain or in any other jurisdiction.

          • Fraud, Errors and other Irregularities

            • BR-2.2.8

              An insurance licensee must notify the CBB immediately if one of the following events arises and the event is significant:

              (a) It becomes aware that an employee may have committed a fraud against one of its customers;
              (b) It becomes aware that a person, whether or not employed by it, is acting with intent to commit fraud against it;
              (c) It identifies irregularities in its accounting or other records, whether or not there is evidence of fraud;
              (d) It suspects that one of its employees may be guilty of serious misconduct concerning his honesty or integrity and which is connected with the insurance licensee's regulated or ancillary activities; or
              (e) Conflicts of interest.
              Amended: April 2010
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: January 2007

          • Meaning of the term 'significant'

            • BR-2.2.9

              For the purposes of this Chapter, in determining whether a matter is significant, an insurance licensee should have regard to:

              (a) The size of any monetary loss or potential monetary loss to itself or its customers (either in terms of a single incident or group of similar or related incidents);
              (b) The risk of reputational loss to the insurance licensee; and
              (c) Whether the incident or a pattern of incidents reflects weaknesses in the insurance licensee's internal controls.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.2.10

              In addition, if the insurance licensee may have suffered significant financial losses as a result of the incident, or may suffer reputational loss, the CBB will wish to consider this and whether the incident suggests weaknesses in the insurance licensee's internal controls.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Insolvency, Bankruptcy and Winding Up

            • BR-2.2.11

              Except in instances where the CBB has initiated the following actions, an insurance licensee must notify the CBB immediately of any of the following events:

              (a) The calling of a meeting to consider a resolution for winding up the insurance licensee, a controller or close link, including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee;
              (b) An application to dissolve the insurance licensee, a controller or close link, including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee or to strike the insurance licensee off the Register of Insurance Companies;
              (c) The presentation of a petition for the winding up of the insurance licensee, a controller or close link, including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee;
              (d) The making of any proposals for the making of a composition or arrangement with any one or more of the insurance licensee's creditors;
              (e) An application for the appointment of an administrator or trustee in bankruptcy to the insurance licensee, a controller or close link, including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee;
              (f) The appointment of a receiver to the insurance licensee, a controller or close link, including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee (whether an administrative receiver or a receiver appointed over particular property); or
              (g) An application for an interim order against the insurance licensee, a controller or close link, including a parent undertaking of the insurance licensee under the Bankruptcy and Composition Law, Decree Law No (11), 1987 or similar legislation in another jurisdiction.
              Amended: April 2010
              Amended: January 2007

          • Other Supervisors

            • BR-2.2.12

              An insurance licensee must notify the CBB immediately if it becomes subject to or ceases to be subject to the supervision of any overseas supervisor (including a home supervisor).

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.2.13

              The supervisory regime and any legislative or foreign provisions to which the insurance licensee, including its branches, is subject, influence the CBB's approach to the supervision of the insurance licensee.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.2.13A

              If, as a result of circumstances outside the Bahraini insurance licensee's knowledge and/or control, one of the changes to their controllers specified in Paragraph GR-5.1.1 is triggered prior to CBB approval being sought or obtained, the Bahraini insurance licensee must notify the CBB as soon as it becomes aware of the fact and no later than 15 calendar days after the change occurs (ref. GR-5.1.5).

              Added: October 2015

            • BR-2.2.13B

              Overseas insurance licensees must notify the CBB of any new significant ownership in excess of 50% of the issued and paid up capital of the concerned licensee's direct parent undertaking as soon as the licensee becomes aware of the change (see Paragraph GR-5.5.1).

              Added: October 2015

          • Other Notifications

            • BR-2.2.14

              An insurance licensee must notify the CBB of the following:

              (a) Removal or resignation of auditors (ref. AA-1.2.1);
              (b) Change in audit partner (ref. AA-1.3.2);
              (c) Removal or resignation of the actuary (ref. AA-4.4.1).
              (d) Appointment of appointed representatives, variations in terms of appointment and cancellations of appointment (ref. GR-9.1.13); and
              (e) Reinsurance exposure in excess of 25% limit (ref. RM-2.1.7); and
              (f) When an approved person ceases to hold a controlled function (ref AU-5.2.6).
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: April 2009

        • BR-2.3 BR-2.3 Approval Requirements

          • Change in Name

            • BR-2.3.1

              In accordance with Paragraph GR-2.1.1, an insurance licensee must seek prior written approval from the CBB and give reasonable advance notice of a change in:

              (a) The insurance licensee's name (which is the registered name if the insurance licensee is a body corporate); or
              (b) Any business name under which the insurance licensee carries on a regulated activity or ancillary activity from an establishment in Bahrain.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.2

              A notification under Paragraph BR-2.3.1 must include the details of the proposed new name and the date on which the insurance licensee intends to implement the change of name.

          • Change of Address

            • BR-2.3.3

              An insurance licensee must seek approval from the CBB and give reasonable advance notice of a change in any of the following addresses:

              (a) The insurance licensee's principal place of business in Bahrain; or
              (b) In the case of an overseas insurance licensee insurance licensee, its registered office (or head office) address.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.4

              A notification under Paragraph BR-2.3.3 must include the details of the proposed new address and the date on which the insurance licensee intends to implement the change of address.

          • Change in Legal Status

            • BR-2.3.5

              An insurance licensee must seek CBB approval and give reasonable advance notice of a change in its legal status that may, in any way, affect its relationship with or limit its liability to its policyholders or customers.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • Business Transfer

            • BR-2.3.6

              In accordance with Chapter GR-4, an insurance licensee must seek prior written approval from the CBB before transferring to a third party all or a significant portion of all its rights and obligations under contracts of insurance that it has underwritten or provided to policyholders.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • Controllers and Close Links

            • BR-2.3.7

              In accordance with Section GR-5.1, a Bahraini insurance licensee must seek CBB approval and give reasonable advance notice of any of the following events concerning the insurance licensee:

              (a) A person acquiring control or ceasing to have control;
              (b) An existing controller acquiring an additional type of control (such as ownership or significant influence) or ceasing to have a type of control;
              (c) An existing controller increasing his or her percentage in the issued or paid up capital or voting power beyond 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%; and
              (d) An existing controller becoming or ceasing to be a parent undertaking.
              Amended: October 2015
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.8

              As part of the CBB's function of monitoring an insurance licensee's continuing satisfaction of the Principles of Business, the CBB needs to consider the impact of any significant change in the circumstances of one or more of its controllers, for example: changes in their financial standing; changes in respect of their corporate controllers; and changes in their governing bodies. Consequently, the CBB needs to know if there are any such changes.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.9

              Every insurance licensee authorised in Bahrain is required to submit an annual report on its controllers, as per Paragraph GR-5.1.7 and GR-5.5.3, and close links as set out in Paragraph GR-6.1.3.

              Amended: October 2015

            • BR-2.3.10

              An overseas insurance licensee must seek CBB approval and give reasonable advance notice of any of the following events concerning the overseas insurance licensee:

              (a) A person acquiring control or ceasing to have control; and
              (b) An existing controller becoming or ceasing to be a parent undertaking.
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.11

              If there is uncertainty whether a particular relationship constitutes control, it may be appropriate for the insurance licensee or controller or proposed controller to ask the CBB for guidance and to obtain its own legal advice.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.12

              In accordance with Paragraph GR-6.1.3, an insurance licensee must submit within 3 months of its financial year end, a report on its close links. This report must identify all undertakings closely linked to the licensee, as defined in Section GR-6.2. In addition, where at any time requested by the CBB, insurance licensees must provide information on undertakings with which they are closely linked.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.13

              Insurance licensees must satisfy the requirements of Paragraph GR-6.1.3 by submitting a corporate structure chart, identifying all undertakings closely linked to the licensee.

          • Carrying out Business in Another Jurisdiction

            • BR-2.3.14

              An insurance licensee must seek CBB approval and give three months notice of its intention to undertake insurance business in a jurisdiction other than Bahrain, or in the case of an overseas company licensed in Bahrain, a jurisdiction other than Bahrain and its country of incorporation or establishment, prior to commencing that business and where the effect of commencing that business may have a significant impact on:

              (a) The insurance licensee's business in Bahrain; or
              (b) The capital resources, required solvency margin or Bahrain required solvency margin (whichever applies) of the insurance licensee.

              This requirement applies whether or not the insurance licensee is required to be regulated locally in the jurisdiction where it proposes to undertake insurance business.

              Amended: January 2020
              Amended: April 2013
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.15

              In the case of an insurance licensee incorporated in Bahrain, the CBB will use this information to consider whether or not it should object to or impose additional requirements on the licensee. In the case of an overseas insurance licensee, the CBB would normally expect that were such action deemed necessary that it would be taken by the company's home supervisor and not the CBB.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.16

              Insurance licensees are reminded that with limited exceptions (refer Section AU-1.1.10) that an insurance licensee must not carry on any commercial business in the Kingdom of Bahrain or elsewhere other than insurance business and activities directly arising from or incidental to that business. In instances where an insurance licensee carries on a commercial business, at the time where the Insurance Rulebook becomes effective, the insurance licensee must notify the CBB to establish the transitional rules in relation to this prohibited activity.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Mergers, Acquisitions, Disposals and Establishment of New Subsidiaries

            • BR-2.3.17

              An insurance licensee incorporated in Bahrain must seek CBB approval and give reasonable advance notice of its intention to:

              (a) Enter into a merger with another undertaking;
              (b) Enter into a proposed acquisition, disposal or establishment of a new subsidiary; or
              (c) Open a new place of business as a subsidiary, a branch or a representative office within the Kingdom of Bahrain or other jurisdiction.
              Amended: January 2020
              Amended: April 2013
              Amended: October 2007
              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.18

              Bahraini Insurance licensees will in addition to this approval requirement need to consider the implications of a merger, acquisition, disposal or establishment of a new subsidiary undertaking in the context of the controllers and close links Rules set out in Module GR. Where an insurance licensee proposes to enter into a merger, the CBB would ordinarily expect to be notified in the context of the controller notification requirements set out in Module GR and Paragraph BR-2.3.17.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.19

              Overseas insurance licensees, whilst not having to give advance notice of a proposed merger with another undertaking, a proposed acquisition, disposal or establishment of a new subsidiary undertaking under Paragraph BR-2.3.17, will still need to consider the implications of such transactions in the context of the controllers and close links rules set out in Module GR. Where an overseas insurance licensee proposes to enter into a merger, the CBB would ordinarily expect to be notified in the context of the controller notification requirements set out in Module GR and Paragraph BR-2.3.16.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • New or Additional Premises

            • BR-2.3.20

              An insurance licensee must seek prior approval from the CBB of its intention to carry on its business from new or additional premises in Bahrain. This requirement applies whether or not the premises are to be used for the purposes of transacting business with policyholders or customers, administration of the business or as the head office in Bahrain of the insurance licensee.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.21

              Insurance licensees are not required to notify the CBB of premises where business on behalf of the insurance licensee is carried out by appointed representatives of the insurance licensee. However, the CBB expects the insurance licensee to maintain a record of all such premises and to be able to produce that record should it be requested by the CBB.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Transactions with Related Parties

            • BR-2.3.22

              An insurance firm that is not a captive insurer must obtain the prior approval of the CBB of any proposed transaction with a related party (a related party transaction) where the fair value of that related party transaction exceeds 10 per cent, or where several smaller transactions that appear to be linked fall above this threshold, of the insurance firm's capital available, as defined in Paragraph CA-1.2.21.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.23

              In the case of insurance contracts, for purposes of Paragraph BR-2.3.22, prior approval of the CBB is required where the sum insured under the insurance contract exceeds 10 per cent of the insurance firm's capital available.

              Amended: January 2007

            • BR-2.3.24

              For the purposes of this Section, 'fair value' is the market value being the amount that would be paid or received in a transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller that are themselves not related parties.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.25

              The only exceptions to Paragraph BR-2.3.22 are:

              (a) In the case of an overseas insurance firm, Paragraph BR-2.3.22 applies only in relation to transactions initiated or made on behalf of the overseas insurance firm or with an approved person of the overseas insurance firm; or
              (b) Where the related party transaction is one involving the effecting or carrying out of a contract of insurance and that transaction is on terms no more favourable than those that would apply were the transacting parties not related parties.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.26

              For the purpose of this Section, a related party of an insurance firm includes:

              (a) A controller of the insurance firm as defined in Module GR;
              (b) A close link of the insurance firm as defined in Module GR;
              (c) An associate of a controller as defined in Module GR;
              (d) The extended family of a controller including a father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or grandparent; and
              (e) A corporate entity, whether or not licensed or incorporated in Bahrain, where any of the persons identified in Sub-Paragraphs (c) and (d) is a Director or would be considered a controller were the definition of controller set out in Paragraph GR-5.2.1 applied to that corporate entity.
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.27

              For the purposes of this Section, a related party transaction means the transfer of assets or liabilities or the performance of services by, to or for a related party irrespective of whether a price is charged.

              Amended: October 2007

            • BR-2.3.28

              For purposes of Paragraph BR-2.3.26, insurance firms should note the use of "includes" in the definition of related party. The CBB is of the view that whilst the definition should be sufficient to identify most related parties there may be individual circumstances were a related party exists that is not explicitly within the definition. Accordingly where an insurance firm is in any doubt as to whether or not a party is a related party they should notify and seek the CBB's advice accordingly.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Other Prior Approvals Required

            • BR-2.3.29

              An insurance licensee must seek prior approval from the CBB for the following:

              (a) [This Sub-paragraph was deleted in January 2023];
              (b) Appointment or re-appointment of external auditors (ref. AU-2.7.1 and AA-1.1.1);
              (c) Appointment of actuary (ref. AU-2.7.2 and AA-4.1.1);
              (d) Appointment of persons undertaking a controlled function in an insurance licensee (ref. AU-1.2.1);
              (e) Appointment or cancellation of appointment of an insurance manager in accordance with AU-2.2.4; and
              (f) Any material changes or proposed changes to the information provided to the CBB in support of an authorisation application that occurs after authorisation has been granted. Insurance licensees must, in particular, seek prior CBB approval before undertaking activities in new classes of insurance. (ref. AU-5.4.1).
              Amended: January 2023
              Amended: October 2014
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • No Objection Requirement

            • BR-2.3.30

              Before submitting a proposal for a distribution of profits (dividends) to a shareholder vote, an insurance licensee must obtain a letter of no objection from the CBB (ref: Paragraph GR-3.1.1).

              Added: October 2014

      • BR-3 BR-3 Information Gathering by the CBB

        • BR-3.1 BR-3.1 Power to Request Information

          • BR-3.1.1

            In accordance with Article 111 of the CBB Law, insurance licensees must provide all information that the CBB may reasonably request in order to discharge its regulatory obligations.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.1.1A

            Insurance licensees must provide all relevant information and assistance to the CBB inspectors and appointed experts on demand as required by Articles 111 and 114 of the CBB Law. Failure by insurance licensees to cooperate fully with the CBB's inspectors or appointed experts, or to respond to their examination reports within the time limits specified, will be treated as demonstrating a material lack of cooperation with the CBB which will result in other enforcement measures being considered, as described elsewhere in Module EN. This rule is supported by Article 114(a) of the CBB Law.

            Added: April 2012

          • BR-3.1.1B

            Article 163 of the CBB Law provides for criminal sanctions where false or misleading statements are made to the CBB or any person/appointed expert appointed by the CBB to conduct an inspection or investigation on the business of the insurance licensee or the listed licensee.

            Added: April 2012

          • Information Requested on Behalf of other Supervisors

            • BR-3.1.2

              The CBB may ask an insurance licensee to provide it with information at the request of or on behalf of other supervisors to enable them to discharge their functions properly. Those supervisors may include overseas supervisors or government agencies in Bahrain. The CBB may also, without notifying an insurance licensee, pass on to those supervisors or agencies information that it already has in its possession.

              Amended: January 2007

        • BR-3.2 BR-3.2 Access to Premises

          • BR-3.2.1

            In accordance with Article 114 of the CBB Law, an insurance licensee must permit representatives of the CBB, or persons appointed for the purpose by the CBB to have access, with or without notice, during reasonable business hours to any of its business premises in relation to the discharge of the CBB's functions under the relevant law.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.2.2

            An insurance licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure that its agents, suppliers under outsourcing arrangements and appointed representatives permit such access to their business premises, to the CBB.

            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.2.3

            An insurance licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure that each of its suppliers under material outsourcing arrangements deals in an open and cooperative way with the CBB in the discharge of its functions under the CBB Law in relation to the insurance licensee.

            Amended: January 2007
            Amended: October 2007

          • BR-3.2.4

            The cooperation that an insurance licensee is expected to procure from such suppliers is similar to that expected of the insurance licensee, in the light of the Guidance in Paragraph BR-3.4.3.

            Amended: October 2007

        • BR-3.3 BR-3.3 Accuracy of Information

          • BR-3.3.1

            An insurance licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure that all information it gives to the CBB in accordance with any parts of the Insurance Rulebook and CBB Law is:

            (a) Factually accurate or, in the case of estimates and judgements, fairly and properly based after appropriate enquiries have been made by the insurance licensee; and
            (b) Complete, in that it should include everything which the CBB would reasonably and ordinarily expect to have.
            Amended: April 2012
            Amended: October 2007
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.3.2

            If an insurance licensee becomes aware, or has information that reasonably suggests that it has or may have provided the CBB with information that was or may have been false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate, or has or may have changed in a material way, it must notify the CBB immediately. The notification must include:

            (a) Details of the information which is or may be false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate, or has or may have changed;
            (b) An explanation why such information was or may have been provided; and
            (c) The correct information.
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.3.3

            If the information in Paragraph BR-3.3.2 cannot be submitted with the notification (because it is not immediately available), it must instead be submitted as soon as possible afterwards.

        • BR-3.4 BR-3.4 Methods of Information Gathering

          • BR-3.4.1

            The CBB uses various methods of information gathering on its own initiative which require the cooperation of insurance licensees:

            (a) Representatives of the CBB may make onsite visits at the premises of the insurance licensee. These visits may be made on a regular basis, or on a sample basis, for special purposes such as theme visits (looking at a particular issue across a range of insurance licensees), or when the CBB has a particular reason for visiting an insurance licensee;
            (b) Appointees of the CBB may also make onsite visits at the premises of the insurance licensee. Appointees of the CBB may include persons who are not CBB staff, but who have been appointed to undertake particular monitoring activities for the CBB, such as in the case of appointed experts (refer to Section BR-3.5).
            (c) The CBB may request the insurance licensee to attend meetings at the CBB's premises or elsewhere;
            (d) The CBB may seek information or request documents by telephone, at meetings or in writing, including electronic communication;
            (e) The CBB may require insurance licensees to submit various documents or notifications, as per Chapter BR-2, in the ordinary course of their business such as financial reports or on the happening of a particular event in relation to the insurance licensee such as a change in control.
            Amended: April 2012
            Amended: October 2011
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.4.2

            When seeking meetings with an insurance licensee or access to the licensee's premises, the CBB or the CBB appointee needs to have access to an insurance licensee's documents and personnel. Such requests will be made during reasonable business hours and with proper notice. There may be instances where the CBB may seek access to the licensee's premises without prior notice. While such visits are not common, the prospect of unannounced visits is intended to encourage insurance licensees to comply at all times with the requirements and standards imposed by the CBB as per the CBB Law and Insurance Rulebook.

            Amended: April 2012
            Amended: October 2007
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.4.3

            The CBB considers that an insurance licensee should:

            (a) Make itself readily available for meetings with representatives or appointees of the CBB;
            (b) Give representatives or appointees of the CBB reasonable access to any records, files, tapes or computer systems, which are within the insurance licensee's possession or control, and provide any facilities which the representatives or appointees may reasonably request;
            (c) Produce to representatives or appointees of the CBB specified documents, files, tapes, computer data or other material in the insurance licensee's possession or control as may be reasonably requested;
            (d) Print information in the insurance licensee's possession or control which is held on computer or on microfilm or otherwise convert it into a readily legible document or any other record which the CBB may reasonably request;
            (e) Permit representatives or appointees of the CBB to copy documents of other material on the premises of the insurance licensee at the insurance licensee's expense and to remove copies and hold them elsewhere, or provide any copies, as may be reasonably requested; and
            (f) Answer truthfully, fully and promptly all questions which representatives or appointees of the CBB reasonably put to it.
            Amended: April 2012
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.4.4

            The CBB considers that an insurance licensee should take reasonable steps to ensure that the following persons act in the manner set out in Paragraph BR-3.4.3:

            (a) Its employees and appointed representatives; and
            (b) Any other members of its group and their employees and appointed representatives.
            Amended: April 2012
            Amended: October 2007
            Amended: January 2007

          • BR-3.4.5

            In gathering information to fulfill its supervisory duties, the CBB acts in a professional manner and with due regard to maintaining confidential information obtained during the course of its information gathering activities.

            Amended: January 2007

        • BR-3.5 BR-3.5 The Role of the Appointed Expert

          • Introduction

            • BR-3.5.1

              The content of this Chapter is applicable to all insurance licensees and appointed experts.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.2

              The purpose of the contents of this Chapter is to set out the roles and responsibilities of appointed experts when appointed pursuant to Article 114 or 121 of the CBB Law (see EN-2.1.1). These Articles empower the CBB to assign some of its officials or others to inspect or conduct investigations of insurance licensees.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.3

              The CBB uses its own inspectors to undertake on-site examinations of licensees as an integral part of its regular supervisory efforts. In addition, the CBB may commission reports on matters relating to the business of licensees in order to help it assess their compliance with CBB requirements. Inspections may be carried out either by the CBB's own officials, by duly qualified appointed experts appointed for the purpose by the CBB, or a combination of the two.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.4

              The CBB will not, as a matter of general policy, publicise the appointment of an appointed expert, although it reserves the right to do so where this would help achieve its supervisory objectives. Both the appointed expert and the CBB are bound to confidentiality provisions restricting the disclosure of confidential information with regards to any such information obtained in the course of the investigation.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.5

              Unless the CBB otherwise permits, appointed experts should not be the same firm appointed as external auditor of the insurance licensee.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.6

              Appointed experts will be appointed in writing, through an appointment letter, by the CBB. In each case, the CBB will decide on the range, scope and frequency of work to be carried out by appointed experts.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.7

              All proposals to appoint appointed experts require approval by an Executive Director or more senior official of the CBB. The appointment will be made in writing, and made directly with the appointed experts concerned. A separate letter is sent to the licensee, notifying them of the appointment. At the CBB's discretion, a trilateral meeting may be held at any point, involving the CBB and representatives of the licensee and the appointed experts, to discuss any aspect of the investigation.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.8

              Following the completion of the investigation, the CBB will normally provide feedback on the findings of the investigation to the licensee.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.9

              Appointed experts will report directly to and be responsible to the CBB in this context and will specify in their report any limitations placed on them in completing their work (for example due to the licensee's group structure). The report produced by the appointed experts is the property of the CBB (but is usually shared by the CBB with the firm concerned).

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.10

              Compliance by appointed experts with the contents of this Chapter will not, of itself, constitute a breach of any other duty owed by them to a particular insurance licensee (i.e. create a conflict of interest).

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.11

              The CBB may appoint one or more of its officials to work on the appointed experts' team for a particular insurance licensee.

              Added: October 2011

          • The Required Report

            • BR-3.5.12

              The scope of the required report will be determined and detailed by the CBB in the appointment letter. Commissioned appointed experts would normally be required to report on one or more of the following aspects of a licensee's business:

              (a) Accounting and other records;
              (b) Internal control systems;
              (c) Returns of information provided to the CBB;
              (d) Operations of certain departments; and/or
              (e) Other matters specified by the CBB.
              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.13

              Appointed experts will be required to form an opinion on whether, during the period examined, the licensee is in compliance with the relevant provisions of the CBB Law and the CBB's relevant requirements, as well as other requirements of Bahrain Law and, where relevant, industry best practice locally and/or internationally.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.14

              The appointed experts' report should follow the format set out in Appendix BR-(iii), in part B of the CBB Rulebook.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.15

              Unless otherwise directed by the CBB or unless the circumstances described in Section BR-3.5.19 apply, the report must be discussed with the Board of directors and/or senior management in advance of it being sent to the CBB.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.16

              Where the report is qualified by exception, the report must clearly set out the risks which the licensee runs by not correcting the weakness, with an indication of the severity of the weakness should it not be corrected. Appointed experts will be expected to report on the type, nature and extent of any weaknesses found during their work, as well as the implications of a failure to address and resolve such weaknesses.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.17

              If the appointed experts conclude, after discussing the matter with the licensee, that they will give a negative opinion (as opposed to one qualified by exception) or that the issue of the report will be delayed, they must immediately inform the CBB in writing giving an explanation in this regard.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.18

              The report must be completed, dated and submitted, together with any comments by directors or management (including any proposed timeframe within which the licensee has committed to resolving any issues highlighted by the report), to the CBB within the timeframe applicable.

              Added: October 2011

          • Other Notifications to the CBB

            • BR-3.5.19

              Appointed experts must communicate to the CBB, during the conduct of their duties, any reasonable belief or concern they may have that any of the requirements of the CBB, including the criteria for licensing a licensee (see Module AU), are not or have not been fulfilled, or that there has been a material loss or there exists a significant risk of material loss in the concerned licensee, or that the interests of customers are at risk because of adverse changes in the financial position or in the management or other resources of a licensee. Notwithstanding the above, it is primarily the licensee's responsibility to report such matters to the CBB.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.20

              The CBB recognises that appointed experts cannot be expected to be aware of all circumstances which, had they known of them, would have led them to make a communication to the CBB as outlined above. It is only when appointed experts, in carrying out their duties, become aware of such a circumstance that they should make detailed inquiries with the above specific duty in mind.

              Added: October 2011

            • BR-3.5.21

              If appointed experts decide to communicate directly with the CBB in the circumstances set out in Paragraph BR-3.5.19, they may wish to consider whether the matter should be reported at an appropriate senior level in the licensee at the same time and whether an appropriate senior representative of the licensee should be invited to attend the meeting with the CBB.

              Added: October 2011

          • Permitted Disclosure by the CBB

            • BR-3.5.22

              Information which is confidential and has been obtained under, or for the purposes of, this chapter or the CBB Law may only be disclosed by the CBB in the circumstances permitted under the Law. This will allow the CBB to disclose information to appointed experts to fulfil their duties. It should be noted, however, that appointed experts must keep this information confidential and not divulge it to a third party except with the CBB's permission and/or unless required by Bahrain Law.

              Added: October 2011

          • Trilateral Meeting

            • BR-3.5.23

              The CBB may, at its discretion, call for a trilateral meeting(s) to be held between the CBB and representatives of the relevant insurance licensee and the appointed experts. This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the appointed experts' examination of, and report on, the insurance licensee.

              Added: October 2011

    • PD PD Public Disclosure

      • PD-A PD-A Introduction

        • PD-A.1 PD-A.1 Purpose

          • Executive Summary

            • PD-A.1.1

              The purpose of this Module is to set out the minimum requirements applied by the Central Bank of Bahrain (‘CBB’) to insurance firms, with respect to corporate and financial transparency through meaningful public disclosures. Such disclosures help protect customers of insurance firms and facilitate market discipline.

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-A.1.2

              The CBB's disclosure requirements vary according to the Category of insurance licensee. Certain categories are exempt from these requirements, because of the limited nature of their business. The scope of application of these requirements is given in Section PD-B.1.

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-A.1.3

              The CBB encourages insurance firms to go beyond the minimum requirements specified in this Module. Further guidance on international best practice in this regard is provided in Chapter PD-3.

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-A.1.4

              In setting out certain detailed disclosure requirements, this Module supports various other parts of the Rulebook, namely:

              (a) Principles of Business (Module PB);
              (b) Authorisation (Module AU);
              (c) Auditors and Actuaries (Module AA);
              (d) CBB Reporting (Module BR);
              (e) Capital Adequacy (Module CA); and
              (f) Business Conduct (Module BC).
              Amended: January 2007

          • Legal Basis

            • PD-A.1.5

              This Module contains the CBB's Directive (as amended from time to time) relating to public disclosure and is issued under the powers available to the CBB under Article 38 of the Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law 2006 ('CBB Law'). The Directive in this Module is applicable to insurance licensees.

              Amended: January 2011
              Amended: July 2009
              Amended: October 2007
              Added: January 2007

            • PD-A.1.6

              For an explanation of the CBB’s rule-making powers and different regulatory instruments, see Section UG-1.1.

              Added: January 2007

        • PD-A.2 PD-A.2 Module History

          • PD-A.2.1

            This Module was first issued in April 2005 by the BMA, together with the rest of Volume 3 (Insurance). Any material changes that have subsequently been made to this Module are annotated with the calendar quarter date in which the change was made: Chapter UG-3 provides further details on Rulebook maintenance and version control.

            Amended: January 2007

          • PD-A.2.2

            When the CBB replaced the BMA in September 2006, the provisions of this Module remained in force. Volume 3 was updated in January 2007 to reflect the switch to the CBB; however, new calendar quarter dates were only issued where the update necessitated changes to actual requirements

            Added: January 2007

          • PD-A.2.3

            A list of recent changes made to this Module is provided below:

            Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes
            PD-1.1 01/10/05 Amended the requirement that the Annual Report be available only in printed form (electronic format is optional).
            PD-2.1 01/10/05 Reference added to IAS 34; clarified the semi-annual financial statements are subject to "review" and not "audit".
            PD-1.1.6 01/04/06 Clarified local disclosure requirements.
            PD-2.1.5 01/07/06 Added a transition period for semi-annual disclosure requirements.
            PD-A1.5 01/2007 New Rule introduced referring to the CBB Law and categorising this Module as a Directive.
            PD-2.1.2 01/2007 Clarified that insurance firms are to disclose prior year comparative figures as part of the requirements for semi-annual disclosure requirements.
            PD-1.1.6A, 1.2.5A and 2.1.4A 10/2007 Clarified that insurance firms must submit the newspaper copy of the required published financial statements.
            PD-2.1.4B 01/2007 Clarified that pure reinsurers need not published in local newspapers their semi-annual results. Publication of these results on their website will meet CBB requirements.
            PD-A.1.5 07/2009 Corrected application of legal basis.
            PD-1.1.12 07/2009 Clarified format of auditor's opinion for audited financial statements to be submitted
            PD-A.1.5 01/2011 Clarified legal basis.
            PD-2.2 01/2011 Added a new Section for newly-established insurance firms.
            PD-1.1.12A, PD-1.1.13A, and PD-2.1.2A 04/2014 Added public disclosure requirements for Takaful firms.
            PD-1.1.21 10/2019 Amended Paragraph on disclosure of financial penalties of insurance firms.
            PD-1.2.4 10/2019 Amended Paragraph on disclosure of financial penalties of overseas insurance firms.
            PD-1.1.6A, PD-1.2.5A & PD-2.1.4A 07/2023 Amended Paragraphs on submission of newspaper extracts of financial statements.

          • PD-A.2.3 [Deleted]

            Deleted: January 2007

          • PD-A.2.4

            Further guidance on the implementation and transition to Volume 3 (Insurance) is given in Module ES (Executive Summary).

      • PD-B PD-B Scope of Application

        • PD-B.1 PD-B.1 Scope

          • PD-B.1.1

            The contents of this Module apply to both Bahraini insurance firms and overseas insurance firms.

            Amended: July 2007
            Amended: October 2007

          • PD-B.1.2

            The disclosures required generally relate to all the corporate activities of the licensee concerned, including activities undertaken outside Bahrain through overseas branches or an overseas head office. Specific rules and guidance in this respect are included in Chapter PD-1.

          • PD-B.1.3

            Where licensees are part of a group, then certain disclosures also require information relating to the licensee's subsidiaries, parents and affiliates. Specific requirements in this respect are also included in Chapter PD-1.

            Amended: January 2007

          • PD-B.1.4

            This Module does not apply to captive insurers; insurance brokers; insurance consultants; insurance managers; and appointed representatives.

            Amended: July 2007

          • PD-B.1.5

            Captive insurers for the most part expose only connected counterparties to financial risks. The remaining categories listed in Paragraph PD-B.1.4 pose limited financial risk to policyholders because of the limited nature of their activities.

            Amended: January 2007

      • PD-1 PD-1 Annual Disclosure Requirements

        • PD-1.1 PD-1.1 Disclosure by Bahraini Insurance Firms

          • Publication of Annual Reports

            • PD-1.1.1

              Bahraini insurance firms must publish an Annual Report, in the manner prescribed in this Section, within 3 months of the end of the firm's financial year.

            • PD-1.1.2

              In addition to the requirements specified in this Module, Bahraini insurance firms are also required to comply with the requirements regarding the publication of audited financial accounts, as specified in Article 62 of the CBB Law, the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law 2001 (as amended) and the Bahrain Stock Exchange Regulations (where applicable).

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.3

              Bahraini insurance firms must apply financial years that end on 31 December, unless prior written approval has been obtained from the CBB for a different year-end.

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.4

              The Annual Report must be made available in printed form.

            • PD-1.1.5

              The Annual Report must be published in both Arabic and English.

            • PD-1.1.6

              The requirement to publish an Annual Report will be met where firms publish financial information (balance sheet and income statement) and any financial penalties paid to the CBB, in two local (Bahrain) daily newspapers (one in Arabic, one in English), containing details of where interested parties may obtain a copy of the full Annual Report in either electronic or paper form.

              Amended: October 2007

            • PD-1.1.6A

              Bahraini insurance firms must submit a newspaper copy of the published financial statements (referred to under Paragraph PD-1.1.1) to the CBB within three months from the statements’ date clearly showing on which date and in which publication(s) the statements were published.

              Amended: July 2023
              Added: October 2007

            • PD-1.1.7

              The Annual Report must include the information that insurance firms are required to disclose on an annual basis as set out in this Module, together with additional information that may facilitate the understanding by prospective and existing policyholders and other market participants of the financial position of the firm and the risks to which it is subject.

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.8

              Bahraini insurance firms whose business is limited to reinsurance activities, are exempt from publishing summary financial information in local newspapers. However, their Annual Report must be made available in electronic format via the firm's web site.

            • PD-1.1.9

              Bahraini insurance firms must provide printed copies of their Annual Report on request, but may charge a fee for providing a printed copy to persons who are neither policyholders nor shareholders of the firm.

              Amended: January 2007

          • Categories of Information to be Disclosed

            • PD-1.1.10

              Bahraini insurance firms must, in their Annual Report, provide timely information that facilitates market participants' assessment of the firm. There are five broad categories of information, each of which must be addressed in clear terms and with appropriate details to help achieve a satisfactory level of transparency. The five categories are:

              (a) Financial position;
              (b) Financial performance;
              (c) Corporate governance;
              (d) Compliance; and
              (e) Risk management strategies and practices.
              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.11

              The disclosure requirements listed in this Module are in addition to or serve to clarify the disclosure requirements under International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). These requirements may either be integrated into the Notes to the Accounts, or addressed in the Directors' Report.

              Amended: October 2007

          • Financial Position

            • PD-1.1.12

              The Annual Report must contain a copy of the firm's annual, audited financial statements in accordance with the requirements contained in the CBB Law, the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law 2001 (as amended) and the Bahrain Stock Exchange regulations (where applicable). The financial statements must contain the auditor's opinion which must be made in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing, established by the International Federation of Accountants. The Annual Report must also contain a solvency statement and the auditor's report.

              Amended: July 2009
              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.12A

              For Takaful firms, the published financial statements must provide a detailed breakdown of the statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income for the shareholder fund and for any participant fund(s) of the Takaful firm.

              Added: April 2014

            • PD-1.1.13

              The solvency statement specified in Paragraph PD-1.1.12 must include a breakdown of the firm's CBB capital available (as specified in Paragraph CA-1.2.21) and a summary of the firm's CBB solvency margin requirements (as prescribed in Chapter CA-2).

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • PD-1.1.13A

              In instances where a Takaful firm has opted to write-off a Qard Hassan granted to meet solvency requirements under the CBB Rules at that time, the amount of the Qard Hassan must be disclosed as an off-balance sheet item in accordance with Subparagraph CA-8.4.16.

              Added: April 2014

            • PD-1.1.14

              Firms must disclose in their published accounts all information which policyholders and shareholders would reasonably expect to enable them to form a view of the firm's ability to meet its obligations.

              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.15

              Firms are encouraged to include within the annual reports key ratios that would assist readers in understanding the firm's financial performance, performance on its insurance account and in making comparisons with previous financial periods on a like-for-like basis. Possible ratios include those contained in the Insurance Firm Return (cf. Module BR (CBB Reporting)).

              Amended: January 2007

          • Financial Performance

            • PD-1.1.16

              The following information relating to the financial performance and position of the firm must, where relevant to an understanding of the firm's financial performance, be included in the Annual Report:

              (a) A discussion of the main factors that influenced the firm's financial performance for the year, explaining any differences in performance between the current year and previous years and the reasons for such changes, and discussing factors that will have a significant influence on the firm's future financial performance;
              (b) Comparisons with the previous period's financial performance (unless this is the firm's first reporting period), including comparisons between business segments;
              (c) The performance of the technical account, including, but not necessarily limited to, comparisons with past performance of claims ratios, claims development and how the underwriting portfolio is made up;
              (d) Performance of the technical account both net and gross of reinsurance;
              (e) Investment performance;
              (f) Claims trends and key claims, where relevant to an understanding of the financial performance;
              (g) A discussion of the impact of acquisitions of new businesses; and
              (h) The impact of any changes in the capital structure on earnings and dividends.
              Amended: January 2007

          • Corporate Governance

            • PD-1.1.17

              The Annual Report of insurance firms must contain details of any shares in the firm held by its Directors and Chief Executive/General Manager. Such details must include:

              (a) The total number of shares held by such individuals as at the financial year-end (broken down by class of share where applicable); and
              (b) Any acquisitions or disposals in such shares during the financial year in question, including the numbers of such shares and the price at which they were acquired or sold.
              Amended: January 2007

            • PD-1.1.18

              For the purpose of the disclosures required under Paragraph PD-1.1.17, shares held by Directors and Chief Executives/General Managers also include any shares held in the firm by their spouses, children or any other person whose share holdings may fall under their control.

            • PD-1.1.19

              The following information relating to corporate governance must also be included in the firm's Annual Report:

              (a) Information about the Board and Board committees (if any). This must include details of Board membership (including a summary of each Board member's professional experience, qualifications, date of appointment and other Directorships held); details of the membership and mandates of any Board Committees; and the number of Board and any Board committee meetings held during the financial year in question;
              (b) Information about the managerial structure. This must include a summary of the Chief Executive Officer's/General Manager's professional experience, qualifications and date of appointment; a summary of any management committees, their mandates and membership; and a summary of the senior management structure and reporting lines; and
              (c) Information about the firm's basic organisational structure. This must include a clear description of the lines of business and legal entity structures.
              Amended: January 2007

          • Compliance

            • PD-1.1.20

              The Annual Report must include a declaration by the external auditor that no violations have taken place of:

              (a) The Bahrain Commercial Companies Law of 2001 (as amended);
              (b) The CBB Law; and
              (c) The CBB's insurance Directives and Regulations (as contained in Volume 3 of the CBB Rulebook),

              insofar as the violations have any material impact on the financial statements of the firm.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • PD-1.1.21

              In accordance with Paragraph EN-B.4.5, insurance firms must disclose in their Annual Report the amount of any financial penalties paid to the CBB, together with a factual description of the reason(s) given by the CBB for the penalty. Insurance firms which fail to comply with this requirement will be required to make the disclosure in the annual report of the subsequent year and will be subject to an enforcement action for non-disclosure.

              Amended: October 2019
              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • Risk Management Strategies and Practices

            • PD-1.1.22

              The following information relating to the firm's risk management strategies and practices must be included in the Annual Report:

              (a) A summary of the significant internal and external risks facing the firm;
              (b) A summary of the firm's risk management policies (including, but not limited to, underwriting, credit, investment, reserving, legal, operational and group risks); and
              (c) A summary of the firm's risk monitoring organisation and processes, including details on the firm's risk management and internal audit functions; the use of reinsurance; and controls on underwriting, credit and investment risk.
              Amended: January 2007

        • PD-1.2 PD-1.2 Disclosure by Overseas Insurance Firms

          • PD-1.2.1

            Overseas insurance firms must publish on an annual basis audited financial statements for their Bahrain operations, in the manner described in this Section, within 3 months of the end of the firm's financial year.

          • PD-1.2.2

            The disclosure requirements referred to in Paragraph PD-1.2.1 are in addition to those required under International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS').

            Amended: October 2007

          • PD-1.2.3

            Overseas insurance firms must disclose in their published accounts all information which policyholders would reasonably expect to be given in order to form a view of the branch's ability to meet its obligations.

            Amended: January 2007

          • PD-1.2.4

            In accordance with Paragraph EN-B.4.5, overseas insurance firms must also disclose the amount of any financial penalties paid to the CBB, together with a factual description of the reason(s) given by the CBB for the penalty. Overseas insurance firms which fail to comply with this requirement will be required to make the disclosure in the annual audited financial statements of the subsequent year and will be subject to an enforcement action for non-disclosure.

            Amended: October 2019
            Amended: January 2007
            Amended: October 2007

          • PD-1.2.5

            The requirement to publish audited financial statements will be met where overseas insurance firms publish financial information (balance sheet and income statement) and financial penalties paid to theCBB, in two local daily newspapers (one in Arabic, one in English), containing details of where interested parties may obtain a copy of the full audited financial statements in either electronic or paper form.

            Amended: January 2007
            Amended: October 2007

          • PD-1.2.5A

            Overseas insurance firms must submit a newspaper copy of the published financial statements (referred to under Paragraph PD-1.2.1) to the CBB within three months from the statements’ date clearly showing on which date and in which publication(s) the statements were published.

            Amended: July 2023
            Added: October 2007

          • PD-1.2.6

            Overseas insurance firms whose business is limited to reinsurance activities are exempt from publishing information in local newspapers. However, their audited financial statements and information related to any financial penalties paid to the CBB must be made available in electronic format via the firm's web site.

            Amended: January 2007

          • PD-1.2.7

            Overseas insurance firms must provide printed copies of their audited financial statements on request, but may charge a fee for providing a printed copy to persons who are neither policyholders nor shareholders of the company.

            Amended: January 2007

          • PD-1.2.8

            Overseas insurance firms must make available in Bahrain information on the overall financial position of the firm (i.e. including head office operations), to enable an understanding of the company as a whole. This requirement can be discharged by:

            (a) Publication of information on the overall financial position of the whole firm as part of the publication of branch financial statements in Bahrain; or
            (b) Reference in the publication in Bahrain to the firm's web site where information that meets these requirements can be found (in English and/or Arabic).
            Amended: January 2007

      • PD-2 PD-2 Semi-Annual Disclosure Requirements

        • PD-2.1 PD-2.1 General Requirements

          • Application

            • PD-2.1.1

              This Chapter applies to all insurance firms.

          • The Requirements

            • PD-2.1.2

              Insurance firms must publish interim summary financial statements, in accordance with IAS 34 (International Accounting Standards). Insurance firms must also provide prior year comparative figures, as dictated by IAS 34, when disclosing semi-annual results.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • PD-2.1.2A

              For Takaful firms, the published interim financial statements must provide a detailed breakdown of the statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income for the shareholder fund and for any participant fund(s) of the Takaful firm.

              Added: April 2014

            • PD-2.1.3

              The statements referred to under Paragraph PD-2.1.2 must be reviewed by the firm's external auditor, in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA) applicable to Review engagements.

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

            • PD-2.1.4

              The statements referred to under Paragraph PD-2.1.2 must be published in two local newspapers (one in Arabic, one in English), within two months of the statements' date.

              Amended: October 2007

            • PD-2.1.4A

              Insurance firms must submit a newspaper copy of the published financial statements (referred to under Paragraph PD-2.1.4) to the CBB within two months from the statements’ date clearly showing on which date and in which publication(s) the statements were published.

              Amended: July 2023
              Added: October 2007

            • PD-2.1.4B

              Bahraini insurance firms, whose business is limited to reinsurance activities, are exempt from publishing semi-annual interim financial statements in local newspapers. However, interim results must be made available in electronic format via the firm's web site.

              Added: January 2008

            • PD-2.1.5

              Insurance firms are required to comply with the requirements of Chapter PD-2, effective for the period ending 30 June 2008. (Refer to ES-2.8.1).

              Amended: January 2007

        • PD-2.2 PD-2.2 Special Arrangements for Newly-Established Insurance Firms

          • PD-2.2.1

            Newly-established insurance firms are not required to follow the publication requirements of Section PD-2.1 for the first semi-annual results of their operation or until the commencement of their second financial year of operation (whichever period is the latest).

            Added: January 2011

          • PD-2.2.2

            After the period referred to in Paragraph PD-2.2.1 has expired, all newly-established insurance firms must follow the publication requirements of Section PD-2.1. Newly-established insurance firms must follow the requirements for annual public disclosure outlined in Chapter PD-1.

            Added: January 2011

      • PD-3 PD-3 Further Guidance and Best Practice

        • PD-3.1 PD-3.1 Introduction

          • PD-3.1.1

            This Chapter provides references to sources of additional guidance issued by international bodies. The CBB encourages insurance licensees to go beyond the minimum disclosure standards contained in this Module, and to refer to guidance issued by international bodies on best practice.

            Amended: January 2007

          • PD-3.1.2

            Should any guidance referred to in this Chapter conflict with specific CBB requirements, then the CBB requirements will prevail.

            Amended: January 2007

        • PD-3.2 PD-3.2 Guidance Provided by Other International Bodies

          • International Association of Insurance Supervisors: 'Guidance Paper on Public Disclosure by Insurers'

            • PD-3.2.1

              This paper provides guidance on the public disclosure of reliable and timely information, involving both the quality of disclosure by insurers and the nature of the information being disclosed. Disclosure improves the understanding of policyholders and market participants of the financial position of insurers. The CBB encourages insurance licensees to refer to this document and to apply the disclosure principles it contains (see www.iaisweb.org).

              Amended: January 2007
              Amended: October 2007

          • AAOIFI Financial Accounting Standard 12 (General Presentation and Disclosure in the Financial Statements of Islamic Insurance Companies)

            • PD-3.2.2

              The CBB requires takaful companies to follow Financial Accounting Standard 12 (General Presentation and Disclosure in the Financial Statements of Islamic Insurance Companies) published by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions — www.aaoifi.com (refer to Section BC-3.4).

              Amended: January 2007