


In addition to the general requirements for legal certainty set out in Paragraphs CA-4.1.8 and CA-4.1.9, the legal mechanism by which collateral is pledged or transferred must ensure that the conventional bank licensee has the right to liquidate or take legal possession of it, in a timely manner, in the event of the default, insolvency or bankruptcy (or one or more otherwise-defined credit events set out in the transaction documentation) of the counterparty (and, where applicable, of the custodian holding the collateral). Furthermore conventional bank licensees must take all steps necessary to fulfil those requirements under the law applicable to the conventional bank licensee's interest in the collateral for obtaining and maintaining an enforceable security interest, e.g. by registering it with a registrar, or for exercising a right to net or set off in relation to title transfer collateral.

January 2015