


The amount of minority interest meeting the criteria above that will be recognised in consolidated CET1 will be calculated as follows:

(a) Total minority interest meeting the criteria in Paragraph CA-2.3.1 minus the amount of the surplus CET1 of the subsidiary attributable to the minority shareholders;
(b) Surplus CET1 of the subsidiary is calculated as the CET1 of the subsidiary minus the lower of:
(i) The minimum CET1 requirement of the subsidiary plus the capital conservation buffer (CCB) (i.e. 7.0% of risk weighted assets or more as required by the concerned supervisor) and;
(ii) The portion of the consolidated minimum CET1 requirement plus the CCB (i.e. 9.0% of consolidated risk weighted assets) that relates to the subsidiary; and
(c) The amount of the surplus CET1 that is attributable to the minority shareholders is calculated by multiplying the surplus CET1 by the percentage of CET1 that is held by minority shareholders.
January 2015