• GR-4.4 GR-4.4 Approval Process

    • GR-4.4.1

      Within 3 months of receipt of an approval request under Paragraph GR-4.1.1, the CBB will issue an approval notice (with or without restrictions) or a written notice of refusal if it is not satisfied that the person concerned is suitable to increase his shareholding in, or become a controller of the licensee. The notice of refusal or notice of approval with conditions will specify the reasons for the objection or restriction and specify the applicant's right of appeal in either case. Where an approval notice is given, it will specify the period for which it is valid and any conditions that attach (see Paragraph GR-4.1.5). These conditions will include the maximum permitted limit of holding or voting control exercisable by the controller.

      January 2013

    • GR-4.4.2

      Notices of refusal have to be approved by an Executive Director of the CBB. The applicant has 30 calendar days from the date of the notice in which to make written representation as to why his application should not be refused. The CBB then has 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of those representations to reconsider the evidence submitted and make a final determination, pursuant to Article 53 of the Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law (Decree No. 64 of 2006) ("CBB Law") and Module EN (Enforcement).

      January 2013

    • GR-4.4.3

      Pursuant to Article 56 of the CBB Law, where a person has become a controller by virtue of his shareholding in contravention of Paragraph GR-4.1.1, or a notice of refusal has been served to him under Paragraph GR-4.4.1 and the period of appeal has expired, the CBB may, by notice in writing served on the person concerned, direct that his shareholding shall be transferred or until further notice, no voting right shall be exercisable in respect of those shares.

      January 2013

    • GR-4.4.4

      Article 56 of the CBB Law empowers the CBB to take appropriate precautionary measures, or sell such shares mentioned in Paragraph GR-4.4.3, if the licensee fails to carry out the order referred to in the preceding Paragraph.

      January 2013