• General Requirements

    • HC-1.1.1

      Licensees must have a Board of Directors ('the Board').

      Amended: April 2016
      October 2010

    • HC-1.1.1A

      The directors are ultimately accountable and responsible both individually and collectively for performing these responsibilities and must have sufficient expertise as a Board to understand the important issues relating to operation and control of the licensee. Although the Board may delegate certain functions to committees or management, it may not delegate its ultimate responsibility to ensure that an adequate, effective, comprehensive and transparent corporate governance framework is in place. This statement must be clearly communicated to Board members and senior management.

      April 2016

    • HC-1.1.2

      To discharge its responsibility effectively, a Board typically delegates various functions and tasks, for instance to Board sub-committees, management and other employees. When it delegates, the Board nonetheless retains ultimate responsibility for the performance of those functions and tasks.

      October 2010

    • HC-1.1.2A

      The licensee should have a written appointment agreement with each director which recites the directors' powers and duties and other matters relating to his appointment including his term, the time commitment envisaged, the committee assignment if any, his remuneration and expense reimbursement entitlement, and his access to independent professional advice when that is needed.

      April 2016