• HC-1 HC-1 The Board

    • HC-1.1 HC-1.1 Functions and Responsibilities

      • General Requirements

        • HC-1.1.1

          Licensees must have a Board of Directors ('the Board').

          Amended: April 2016
          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.1A

          The directors are ultimately accountable and responsible both individually and collectively for performing these responsibilities and must have sufficient expertise as a Board to understand the important issues relating to operation and control of the licensee. Although the Board may delegate certain functions to committees or management, it may not delegate its ultimate responsibility to ensure that an adequate, effective, comprehensive and transparent corporate governance framework is in place. This statement must be clearly communicated to Board members and senior management.

          April 2016

        • HC-1.1.2

          To discharge its responsibility effectively, a Board typically delegates various functions and tasks, for instance to Board sub-committees, management and other employees. When it delegates, the Board nonetheless retains ultimate responsibility for the performance of those functions and tasks.

          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.2A

          The licensee should have a written appointment agreement with each director which recites the directors' powers and duties and other matters relating to his appointment including his term, the time commitment envisaged, the committee assignment if any, his remuneration and expense reimbursement entitlement, and his access to independent professional advice when that is needed.

          April 2016

      • Specific Requirements

        • HC-1.1.3

          The Board must establish and maintain a statement of its responsibilities, defining its functions and tasks and those delegated to Board sub-committees and senior management. This statement must be clearly communicated to Board members and senior management.

          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.4

          For the purposes of HC-1.1.3, the CBB expects licensees to maintain detailed mandates for Boards and sub-committees. These mandates should be reviewed periodically by the Board. Depending on the size and complexity of the licensee concerned, the CBB also expects the Board to operate appropriate sub-committees.

          Amended: April 2016
          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.5

          The Board must approve and review at least annually the licensee's:

          (a) Strategic plans;
          (b) Management structure and responsibilities; and
          (c) Systems and controls framework (including its policies).
          Amended: January 2020
          Added: October 2010

        • HC-1.1.6

          The Board must also regularly review:

          (a) The licensee's implementation of its strategy and operational performance;
          (b) The performance of its executive management; and
          (c) The level of risk.
          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.7

          The Board must set out clearly and review on a regular basis who has authority to commit the licensee to contractual obligations. The Board must set a materiality threshold so that contractual obligations above this set threshold are regularly reported to the Board. In setting the materiality threshold, the Board must consider the financial impact the contractual obligations may have in relation to its capital.

          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.8

          The Board must must establish and disseminate to employees policies and processes for the identification, reporting and prevention or management of potential conflicts of interest, including matters such as:

          (a) Related party transactions;
          (b) The misuse of the licensee's assets; and
          (c) The use of privileged information for personal advantage ('insider trading').
          Amended: April 2016
          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.9

          The Board and its members must act with honesty, integrity, due skill and care, and in the best interests of the licensee, its shareholders and customers.

          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.10

          In assessing compliance with Paragraph HC-1.1.9, the CBB will take into account all actions of the Board and its members. The interest of the licensee includes the licensee's continued compliance with all relevant rules and regulations, and the interests of employees, customers and other stakeholders. The interest of shareholders includes the current and future value of the licensee, its status as a going concern, transparency and disclosure of information to the market.

          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.11

          The Board must oversee the process of disclosure to all stakeholders. The Board must ensure that the licensee's communications are fair, transparent, comprehensive and timely.

          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.12

          The CBB expects the Board to have effective policies and processes in place for:

          (a) Approving and reviewing at least annually the overall business performance and strategy for the licensee;
          (b) Causing financial statements to be prepared which accurately disclose the licensee's financial position;
          (c) Ensuring a formal and transparent Board nomination process;
          (d) Convening and preparing the agenda for shareholder meetings;
          (e) Monitoring conflicts of interest and preventing abusive related party transactions;
          (f) Appointing senior managers, after assessing that they have the necessary integrity, technical and managerial competence, and experience;
          (g) Overseeing succession planning, and minimizing undue reliance on key individuals;
          (d) Reviewing key senior management and Board remuneration packages and ensuring such packages are consistent with the corporate values and strategy of the licensee and encourage prudent risk taking;
          (e) Monitoring and evaluating management's performance in implementing agreed strategy and business plans, and ensuring appropriate resources are available; and
          (f) Approving budgets and reviewing performance against those budgets.
          Amended: April 2016
          October 2010

        • HC-1.1.13

          In assessing the systems and controls framework (see Paragraph HC-1.1.5), the CBB would expect the Board to be able to demonstrate that the licensee's operations, individually and collectively:

          (a) Are measured, monitored and controlled by appropriate, effective and prudent risk management systems commensurate with the scope of the licensee's activities. These should pro-actively identify as well as monitor risk. The systems should produce information on a timely basis, and in a form and quality appropriate to the needs of the different recipients;
          (b) Are supported by an appropriate control environment. The risk management and financial reporting functions must be independent of business lines and must be run by individuals not involved with the day-to-day running of the various business areas; and
          (c) Make effective use of the work of internal and external auditors. The internal audit function should be independent of the senior management, reporting to the Board. The Board should ensure that the external audit firm and its partners are truly independent of the licensee and have no financial or other relationship with the licensee. Audit findings should be used as an independent check on the information received from management about the licensee's operations and performance and the effectiveness of internal controls.
          Amended: April 2016
          October 2010

    • HC-1.2 HC-1.2 Composition

      • HC-1.2.1

        The Memorandum and Articles of Association of licensees must adequately set out procedures for the appointment, removal and retirement of Directors.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.2

        These should, amongst other things, include procedures for removing Directors in case of non-attendance or other failure to discharge properly their responsibilities as company Directors.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.2A

        The Board should have a minimum of 3 members, as agreed with the CBB.

        April 2016

      • HC-1.2.3

        To fulfil its responsibilities outlined in Section HC-1.1, the Board of licensees must periodically assess its composition and size and, where appropriate, reconstitute itself and its committees by selecting new Directors to replace long-standing members or those members whose contributions to the licensee or its committees is not adequate.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.4

        The Board must ensure that collectively it has sufficient expertise to understand the important issues relating to the operation and control of its company.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.5

        It is not expected that every Board member is proficient in all areas, but collectively the Board is expected to have the required expertise. There should also be agreed upon procedures by the Board for Directors to take independent advice if necessary at the licensee's expense. CBB also expects Board members to undertake relevant training on a regular basis to help them fulfill their responsibilities as Directors.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.6

        The appointment of Board members is conditional on the approval of the CBB. (See Section AU-1.2).

        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.7

        A Board member may have a maximum of two Directorships of financial institutions inside Bahrain. However, two Directorships of licensees within the same type of licensees would not be permitted. Licensees may approach the CBB for exemption from this limit where the Directorships concern financial institutions within the same group.

        Amended: April 2016
        October 2010

      • HC-1.2.8

        Unless otherwise agreed with the CBB, the chairman and/or deputy chairman must not be the same person as the CEO or general manager.

        April 2016

    • HC-1.3 HC-1.3 Meetings and Attendance

      • HC-1.3.1

        The Board must meet sufficiently often to enable it to discharge its responsibilities effectively, taking into account the licensee's scale and complexity.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.3.2

        The CBB expects that the scale and complexity of most licensees will require meetings to be held at least quarterly. For the larger, most complex licensees, more frequent Board meetings may be more appropriate.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.3.2A

        The Board must meet frequently but in no event less than four times a year. All directors must attend the meetings whenever possible and the directors must maintain informal communication between meetings.

        April 2016

      • HC-1.3.2B

        Individual board members must attend at least 75% of all Board meetings in a given financial year to enable the Board to discharge its responsibilities effectively (see table below). Voting and attendance proxies for board meetings are prohibited at all times.

        Meetings per year 75% Attendance requirement
        4 3
        5 4
        6 5
        7 5
        8 6
        9 7
        10 8
        April 2016

      • HC-1.3.2C

        The absence of Board members at Board and committee meetings must be noted in the meeting minutes. In addition, Board attendance percentage must be reported during any general assembly meeting when Board members stand for re-election (e.g. Board member XYZ attended 95% of scheduled meetings this year).

        April 2016

      • HC-1.3.2D

        In the event that a Board member has not attended at least 75% of Board meetings in any given financial year, the licensee must immediately notify the CBB indicating which member has failed to satisfy this requirement, his level of attendance and any mitigating circumstances affecting his non-attendance. The CBB shall then consider the matter and determine whether disciplinary action, including disqualification of that Board member pursuant to Article 65 of the CBB Law, is appropriate. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, it is likely that the CBB will take disciplinary action.

        April 2016

      • HC-1.3.2E

        Board members are reminded that non attendance at board meetings does not absolve them of their responsibilities as directors. It is important that each individual director should allocate adequate time and effort to discharge his responsibilities. All Directors are expected to contribute actively to the work of the Board in order to discharge their responsibilities and should make every effort to attend board meetings where major issues are to be discussed. In instances where telephonic or videoconference meetings are held, licensees are encouraged to amend their Articles of Association to provide for such meetings. Participation in board meetings by means of video or telephone conferencing is regarded as attendance and may be recorded as such.

        April 2016

      • HC-1.3.3

        Board rules must require members to step down if they are not actively participating in Board meetings.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.3.4

        The CBB expects Board members who fail to attend at least three-quarters of all Board meetings in any twelve-month period to step down, unless the Board is able to satisfy the CBB that there are valid reasons for the Director concerned to remain a Board member.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.3.5

        At least half the Board meetings of licensees in any twelve-month period must be held in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

        October 2010

      • HC-1.3.5A

        The chairman must ensure that all directors receive an agenda, minutes of prior meetings, and adequate background information in writing before each Board meeting and when necessary between meetings. All directors must receive the same Board information. At the same time, directors have a legal duty to inform themselves and they must ensure that they receive adequate and timely information and must study it carefully.

        April 2016

      • HC-1.3.6

        The Board must maintain adequate records of its meetings, such that key decisions and how they are arrived at can be traced.

        Amended: April 2016
        October 2010

    • HC-1.4 HC-1.4 Directors' Communication with Management

      • HC-1.4.1

        The Board must encourage participation by management regarding matters the Board is considering, and also by management members who by reason of responsibilities or succession, the CEO or general manager (as the case may be) believes should have exposure to the directors.

        April 2016