• EN-3.2 EN-3.2 CBB Policy

    • EN-3.2.1

      Formal warnings are clearly identified as such and represent the CBB's first level formal enforcement measure. They are intended to clearly set out the CBB's concerns to a licensee or individual regarding an issue, and should be viewed by the recipient with the appropriate degree of seriousness.

      October 2010

    • EN-3.2.2

      As indicated in Paragraph EN-B.2.7, the CBB will usually discuss concerns it may have prior to resorting to a formal enforcement measure, especially where a significant element of judgement is required in assessing compliance with a regulatory requirement.

      October 2010

    • EN-3.2.3

      Where such discussions fail to resolve matters to the CBB's satisfaction, then it may issue a formal warning. Failure to respond adequately to a formal warning will lead the CBB to consider more severe enforcement measures. However, more severe measures do not require the prior issuance of a formal warning – depending on its assessment of the circumstances, the CBB may decide to have immediate recourse to other measures. Similarly, there may be circumstances where the CBB issues a formal warning without prior discussion with the licensee or individual concerned: this would usually be the case where a clear-cut compliance failing has occurred.

      October 2010

    • EN-3.2.4

      When considering whether to issue a formal warning, the criteria taken into consideration by the CBB therefore include the following:

      (a) The seriousness of the actual or potential contravention, in relation to the requirement(s) concerned and the risks posed to customers, market participants and other stakeholders;
      (b) In the case of an actual contravention, its duration and/or frequency of the contravention; the extent to which it reflects more widespread weaknesses in controls and/or management; and the extent to which it was attributable to deliberate or reckless behaviour; and
      (c) The extent to which the CBB's supervisory objectives would be better served by issuance of a formal warning as opposed to another type of regulatory action.
      October 2010