• AU-4.4 AU-4.4 Cancellation of Authorisation

    • Voluntary Surrender of a License or Closure of Branch

      • AU-4.4.1

        In accordance with Article 50 of the CBB Law, licensees wishing to cancel their license or cease activities for a branch, must obtain the CBB's written approval, before ceasing their activities. All such requests must be made in writing to the Director, Financial Institutions Supervision, setting out in full the reasons for the request and how the business is to be wound up.

        Amended: April 2012
        October 2010

      • AU-4.4.2

        Licensees must satisfy the CBB that their customers' interests are to be safeguarded during and after the proposed cancellation. The requirements contained in Chapter GR-6 regarding cessation of business must be satisfied.

        October 2010

      • AU-4.4.3

        Failure to comply with Rule AU-4.4.1 may constitute a breach of Article 50(a) of the CBB Law. The CBB will only approve such a request where it has no outstanding regulatory concerns and any relevant customer interests would not be prejudiced. A voluntary surrender of a license will not be accepted where it is aimed at preempting supervisory actions by the CBB. A voluntary surrender will only be allowed to take effect once the licensee, in the opinion of the CBB, has discharged all its regulatory responsibilities to customers.

        October 2010

    • Cancellation of a License by the CBB

      • AU-4.4.4

        As provided for under Article 48(c) of the CBB Law, the CBB may itself move to cancel a license, for instance if a licensee fails to satisfy any of its existing license conditions or protecting the legitimate interests of customers or creditors of the licensee require a cancellation. The CBB generally views the cancellation of a license as appropriate only in the most serious of circumstances, and generally tries to address supervisory concerns through other means beforehand. See also Chapter EN-7, regarding the cancellation or amendment of licenses, including the procedures used in such instances and the licensee's right to appeal the formal notice of cancellation issued by the CBB.

        Amended: April 2012
        October 2010

      • AU-4.4.4A

        Cancellation of a license requires the CBB to issue a formal notice of cancellation to the licensee concerned. The notice of cancellation describes the CBB's rationale for the proposed cancellation, as specified in Article 48(d) of the CBB Law.

        Amended: January 2013
        Added: April 2012

      • AU-4.4.4B

        Where the cancellation of a license has been confirmed by the CBB, the CBB will only effect the cancellation once a licensee has discharged all its regulatory responsibilities to clients. Until such time, the CBB will retain all its regulatory powers towards the licensee and will direct the licensee so that no new regulated money changer services may be undertaken whilst the licensee discharges its obligations to its clients.

        Added: April 2012

      • AU-4.4.5

        Licensees wishing to cancel an authorisation for a branch must obtain the CBB's written approval, before ceasing the activities of the branch.

        October 2010

    • Cancellation of Approved Person Status

      • AU-4.4.6

        In accordance with Paragraphs AU-4.3.8AA and BR-2.2.11, licensees must promptly notify the CBB in writing when a person undertaking a controlled function will no longer be carrying out that function. If a controlled function falls vacant, the licensee must appoint a permanent replacement (after obtaining CBB approval), within 120 calendar days of the vacancy occurring. Pending the appointment of a permanent replacement, the licensee must make immediate interim arrangements to ensure continuity of the duties and responsibilities of the controlled function affected, provided that such arrangements do not pose a conflict of duties. These interim arrangements must be approved by the CBB.

        Amended: October 2018
        Amended: July 2015
        Amended: July 2011
        October 2010

      • AU-4.4.7

        The explanation given for any such changes should simply identify if the planned move was prompted by any concerns over the person concerned, or is due to a routine staff change, retirement or similar reason.

        October 2010

      • AU-4.4.8

        The CBB may also move to declare someone as not 'fit and proper', in response to significant compliance failures or other improper behaviour by that person: see Chapter EN-8 regarding the cancellation of 'fit and proper' approval.

        October 2010