
Past version: Effective from 01 Oct 2010 to 31 Dec 2010
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The most recent changes to this Module are detailed in the table below:

Summary of Changes

Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes
BC 4.6 01/10/05 Streamlined requirements for new products
BC 8 01/04/06 Margin trading rules and guidance
BC-A.1 10/2007 New Rule BC-A.1.4 introduced, categorising this Module as a Directive.
BC-9 04/2008 New Investment Business related requirements for conduct of business.
BC-4.8 04/2008 New requirement to comply with Code of Best Practice on Consumer Credit and Charging.
BC-8.2 07/2009 Removal of numerical restrictions related to margin trading requirement.
BC-9.5.17 10/2010 Clarified the wording of Rule by replacing the term "legal" with "licensing".
October 2010