
Past version: Effective from 01 Apr 2013 to 31 Mar 2017
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A list of recent changes made to this Module is detailed in the table below:

Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes
HC-A.1.12 01/2012 Changed Guidance to Rule.
HC-B.3.2, HC-8.3.8 and HC-10.3.2 01/2012 Corrected typos.
HC-1.2.2 01/2012 Amended to be consistent with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
HC-1.2.5 and HC-1.5.3 01/2012 Clarified that the chairman of the board may delegate specific duties dealt with in these Paragraphs.
HC-1.4.5 01/2012 Changed Rule to Guidance to be aligned with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
HC-1.4.6A 01/2012 Added new Paragraph clarifying that the chairman must not be the same person as the CEO.
HC-1.8.6 01/2012 Changed Rule to Guidance to be aligned with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
HC-2.2.3 01/2012 Aligned text with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
HC-3.2.1, HC-3.3.2, HC-4.2.2, HC-5.2.1. HC-5.3.3, HC-5.6.6, HC-6.2.1 and HC-7.5.1 01/2012 Amended to be in line with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
HC-8.3 01/2012 Clarification made on disclosure in annual report.
HC-10.2.1A 01/2012 Added guidance for CMSPs.
HC-10.8.2 01/2012 Corrected cross reference.
Appendix A 01/2012 Amended criteria for audit committee member.
HC-2.2.1 and HC-2.4.1 04/2013 Clarified scope of application for Rules.
HC-7.4.5 04/2013 Clarified Guidance on election of board members.
Appendices A, B and C 04/2013 Clarified requirement for written report on performance evaluation for various Board committees.