
Past version: Effective from 01 Apr 2019 to 30 Jun 2019
To view other versions open the versions tab on the right

A list of recent changes made to this Module is detailed in the table below:

Module Ref. Change Date Description of Changes
GR-9.1.8 10/2016 Added a Rule in the Cessation of Business Section to be consistent with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
GR-4.3.8 01/2017 Amended Paragraph reference.
GR-7.1.6 01/2017 Consistency of notification timeline rule on controllers with other Volumes of the CBB Rulebook.
GR-2.2.1 07/2017 Amended paragraph according to the Legislative Decree No. (28) of 2002.
GR-2.2.2 07/2017 Deleted paragraph.
GR-5A.1 10/2017 Added a chapter on "General Requirements for Financing-Based Crowdfunding Platform Operators".
GR-5A.2 10/2017 Additional requirements for “Shari'a — Compliant Financing — Based Crowdfunding Platform Operators".
GR-6.1.3 10/2017 Added additional requirement to submit when requesting no-objection letter for proposed dividends.
GR-5A.1.4 10/2018 Amended Paragraph to further clarify the scope of exemption.
GR-10 11/2018 Amended Paragraph to further clarify the scope of exemption.
GR-11 11/2018 Added new Section on Outsourcing
GR-5A.1.4 01/2019 Amended Paragraph on maximum credit provided to each borrower under a crowdfunding agreement.
GR-5A.1.5 01/2019 Amended Paragraph.
GR-5A.1.8 01/2019 Amended Paragraph.
GR-5A.1.11A 01/2019 Added a new Paragraph on the minimum time to withdraw a commitment.
GR-5B.1 04/2019 Added a Chapter on "Physical Security measures for Payment Service Providers owning or Operating Cash Dispensing Machines (CDMs) or Kiosks".
GR-5B.2 04/2019 Additional requirements for "CDM/Kiosk Security Measures: Hardware/Software".
GR-7.1.1A 04/2019 Added a new Paragraph on exposure to controllers.
GR-7.1.1B 04/2019 Added a new Paragraph on exposure to controllers.